Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

From the mouths of babes

So the other day I was talking to my 4 year old and asked him what he was planning on getting me for my birthday. He thought for a minute and said he didn't know. I told him I just wanted a big hug and kiss on my birthday. He looked at me and said "mom I don't think I will have time to do that. My watch says there isn't time to do that." Since when does a 4 year old not have time for anything? Then a few days before we were all outside and he was looking for us in the house. When Bryan came in he told him "I would prefer that you didn't leave me in here alone." Prefer? I didn't even know he knew that word, maybe he doesn't.

Ty had a car toddler bed that is so cute but we upgraded the boys to twin beds a couple of weeks ago so I put the car bed in the basement. The boys have been playing in it a lot lately and yesterday I was in my sewing room and looked into the living room to see Blake "driving" the "boat" (car bed) and Ty had a long string coming off the back. He yelled at Blake to "go! " and stood up holding the string then feel over like he crashed. I laughed so hard, it was too cute! He said he didn't want me to watch him and closed my door. A future water-skier I guess! Those are the sort of things that make being a mom so much fun.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


There is a wonderful family that lives by us that invited us to stay at their families cabin in Island Park just outside of west yellowstone. Unfortunately with Bryan's work and school schedule we could only go from Sunday to Monday but we had a blast anyway. So thank you to the Blad family for inviting us and I'm glad we were able to go. I had never been to yellowstone before and neither had my boys. They did so good! They really didn't complain all day.
We FINALLY got a new car so I have AC. I forgot how wonderful that is, especially when pregnant. With another little one on the way our civic wasn't going to fit us anymore so we got a van. Bryan isn't too thrilled with having a van but I've enjoyed it. We got it just a few days before the trip so it made it that much nicer to drive that far. It has a DVD player with cordless headphones. So wonderful. Blake looked so cute with the headphones I had to get a picture.
I love this picture! I told him to turn around and he was plugging his nose because of the small. Totally a canid photo. The water really smelled like sulfur but I didn't think it was too bad.
Before you freak out know this wasn't some of the boiling water this was a stream running though the area and Bryan felt it first. Ty asked if he could feel so Bryan helped him out. It looks bad but Bryan said he was a little colder then tub water right here.
Blake and the Blad boys- he loved them.

Bryan and I showing off our bellies. I'm 6 months pregnant and he is.. well... gaining a few sympathy pounds. Actually he is less then he was so I'm just teasing.
Showing us his muscles. All the water you see behind him boils up and and steams. So cool.
The upper falls behind us. This was on the steep hike down to the lower falls. I did a lot better then I thought I would. Bryan had to pull me back up the trail a bit but overall I did good. I'm glad I didn't have one of my weird fatigue episodes while I was there.
The bottom of the lower falls
The lower falls. It was a really short walk from the car and SOO worth it. We hiked to the right of the falls earlier.

I rare photo of just my hubby and me.
I love this picture.
These boys were my kids best buds. They walked around with Blake the whole day playing with them. I think it was them to made it so much fun for all of us because my boys loved them, especially Blake. It goes Sam, Mike, Blake and Ty in the picture.
We missed Old Faithful going off by minutes so we had to wait over a hour to see it go off. We bought ice cream while we waited and my boys got a little messy... but the funniest part was this Chinese couple went up to Bryan and asked what was on Blake's face and when they told him ice cream they asked to get a picture with them. They thought he was just too cute. I thought it was funny. Weird to think someone who lives on the other side of the world has a picture with my baby.

This is the tail end of Old Faithful going off.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July recap

We have been doing a lot of fun things this summer and I wanted to make sure I remembered them. So here are a few pictures of our July:
Yes I feed my children- he is just skinny. I put him in swimming lessons before his surgery because I knew he would have to stay out of the water for awhile after. He LOVED it. By the end he was jumping under the water without holding his nose. Something that took me years to do. I'm a wuss.
I was really burned out one day so Bryan took my boys on a quick hike. I love this picture. I'm glad Bryan likes pictures like I do. And I'm thankful he gave me a little break that night too.
Until I moved to Utah I didn't know people watered their lawns this way but in our old house the only way (besides moving a hose) to water was to use your water turn to flood the yard. We bought two shares with the old house and when we built this one we could never figure out how to water our yard with it. We have sprinklers but we wanted to use our shares too. We put in a pipe to reach the backyard and the kids went crazy. We get one turn every about 8 days and the time changes. Sometimes it's 11am- 7pm or 3am. If anything else it was worth putting in the pipe for our boys to play in the water. This is my boys best friend who is our neighbor in the picture.

He is officially potty trained! I was expecting the worst with him but it only took a few weeks before he really got it down. He even going by himself. This is my first break in 4 years without changing diapers. This is what he wore when we flooded the yard.
This is our sweet new niece Ava. She is only a day old in this picture. My sister in law has the most beautiful babies.
He got these goggles with a play chainsaw for his birthday last year and was outside "cutting" down the trees in the front yard with his saw. The goggles just cracked me up.

I have more pictures but no time to post now. I'm sure it will tick my husband off I didn't post yellowstone yet but I'll get to it soon I promise.