Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cat fish hunter

We took the boys out on the bear river a couple of weeks ago fishing with my brother in law Joe and his boy James.  

 Bever Dam behind Ty.  He thought that was dang cool.

 Joe helped Blake catch this huge catfish.  Blake was so excited about it! This is Joe and James.
 My catfish hunter! He helped reel in this whopper! Blake says "I liked catching it.  I caught it in the lake (river).  I was proud of it."

 We were lucky enough to catch one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen and I love me a good sunset.  We were in the middle of the valley so we could see it all over. So beautiful!!

 You can see Joe and the boys on the left fishing.  Too bad I only had my phone.  I should have had my good camera to get some pictures of all of this!
 Tyson caught a fish all by himself!  He was dang proud of it!
Some good father son bonding time. Brett was there too but he was being held by me most of the time.


Bryans company is opening a new facility in Darmstat Germany and a group of Bryan's employees have gone over one by one to help train the people over there. Bryan went the last two weeks of April. 
 People were looking at Bryan like "what a stupid American" taking a picture by the wiener sign.
 Train station.  This is how everyone gets around over there.  Not very many people have cars.  He spent a lot of time on the train.

 Bryan's group he worked with over there.
 Bryan and his friend Matt from here.  He was only with Bryan a few days before  he went home.

 There are a LOT of naked statues over there.  Bryan thought this one was funny of a naked little boy on a donkey or horse or whatever it is.
 Frankfort Germany.  Bryan said it was beautiful there!

 More naked statues.

 Cool church.

 Bryan found the LDS church to attend the Sunday he was there.  He couldn't understand anything they were saying but he thought it was cool to see the church running the same way everywhere.

I should have him type a little about his trip but I'll write a little what he told me.  He loved all of the old buildings there.  The people were nice to him but people on the street aren't overly friendly.  One lady Bryan worked with told him he was irresponsible for having 4 kids.  Very few people have more then 2 kids.  One day the train wasn't working so he decided to walk from where he was and ended up walking in a prostitute area. Germany was having their soccer playoffs and over there soccer is bigger then any sport here.  When the guys he worked with took him to watch the game it was usually a pub and they couldn't figure out why he wouldn't drink beer.  They drink beer for breakfast sometimes there.  He got kind of tired of telling them he didn't drink.  They couldn't figure out why.  The main boss there, Christensen, was very kind to Bryan.  He loved how much respect they gave him and really valued what he had to say.  They would offer to take Bryan out at night to show him some good places to eat.  One had him come to his home and eat with them.  It was weird for me not to be able to call him when I wanted.  I had to wait for him to be on the computer to call me and I hated that.  Our friend Scott Knowles got really hurt while Bryan was there and I couldn't get a hold of him for 2 1/2 days to tell him.  It was horrible.  Bryan bought us home lots of german chocolate.  I'm not the biggest chocolate fan but I really like that.  My boys REALLY liked it.  Two weeks was too long for Bryan to be gone and we are glad he is back!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I survived!

Bryan was in Germany for two weeks and it was a long time to be alone! It didn't help that soccer was in the middle of all of that two.  Between Bryan working two jobs or being in school I knew I could take care of them alone but it helps to have another adult to talk to at night for sanity sake.  My mom was kind enough to come for 5 days and help me out.  I think she was really ready to go! We are a lot of work! 

 We went to Ryan's place park while he was gone.  I don't dare go there alone with all 4 boys but it was fun with my mom's help.

 The Gibson's chicken. We went there for activity days and my older boys came with me.