Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Palmer boys

Stockton 2 1/2

Tyson 7

 Blake 5 1/2

 Brett 1 year

Family Photos 2013

I have wanted to really nice family pictures for a long time but wanted to wait until Brett was a little older. I freaked out for months about what we were going to wear and how good the boys were going to be.  Bryan always messes up my pictures with him looking off and pulling faces so I had to threaten him A LOT!  I'm mostly happy about how they turned out.  For the money I paid I really wanted so more family photos but my kids are really hard to get to look and be decent to the camera.  

He would probably get mad at me for telling the story but the reason I'm giving him that look is because he farted really loud.  This is pretty much the story of our marriage.  Bryan doing something silly and me giving him the "look".

This one if my favorite.  

In a month we will have been together for 9 years I can't believe it! 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mothers day 2013

I didn't get a picture of me and my boys for Mothers day this year.  Bryan wasn't willing to take the time to take the picture... 
 This is my Grandma Jenkins and her daughters

My mom, Grandma and Me and mothers day.  
 We went to Palmers later for a mothers day cook out.

Stockton didn't really eat anything but root beer.  I think he had like 8 glasses of root beer.  Blake wouldn't let me take any decent pictures of him.  I'm so lucky to have my crazy little boys.  I feel so blessed to be their mom.  I don't feel like I'm a very good mom most of the time.  I feel totally overwhelmed most if not all of the time.  I wish I had more time or couldn't better organize my time to be the kind of mom I would love to be.  Tomorrow is another day right?

John Deere Lawn Tractor

We were blessed to have Bryan's parents old lawn mower for years and this spring it died on us.  I was hoping to get a new couch but we needed a lawn mower more.  I let Bryan kind of pick when he wanted since he is the lawn master at our house.  
 This is Bryan saying how much he loves his mower.  

 Bryan offered to let him drive alone and it scared him so Stockton started to cry.  Unusual to see him crying on the mower since all he wants to do is ride on it.  
 Tyson is Bryan's first lawn mowing buddy.  
 If Bryan is on it Brett freaks out until Bryan gives him a ride.  

Spring Soccer

Soccer this year what a chore for me but the boys started to kind of get into it for the first time.  I hate the weather for spring soccer. One day we are baking in the sun next game we are sitting through a snow storm.  No joke.  Chasing Stockton and Brett during all the games wasn't a picnic but I really didn't want to put off putting them in sports because of me.  

Blake really liked playing and would ask when his games were all the time.  

 Master soccer player picking his nose...
 Tyson for the first time (toward the end of the season) was really starting to try.

 His best friend Dallin was on his team and that made Ty really happy.  He played a lot of really hard kids.  It's crazy how good some of them are at this age.

 Here is Blakes team.  I never got a picture of Tyson's but they never did one that I know of. There were three other kids that were in our ward and one from Blake's preschool.

Blake scored two goals this season!  The last one he dribbled it up to the goal and everything!!  Blake's nice coach bought all the kids a metal which is his pride and joy.