How am I a month late posting this? My sweet little guy had his third birthday last month. He would love nothing more then to open a endless amount of presents and get a cake everyday. I know because he tells me that it needs to be his birthday EVERYDAY. I love when my kids turn three because it's the first birthday they really get what is going on.
Bryan bought him some new PJ's that he loved. He loves Nacho Libre and wants to watch that movie all the time. I thought this mask and cape would be a HUGE hit with him. I don't know if the mask is a little too big or what but they don't ever play with it. I swear you just never know with kids sometimes!
He still loves to play kitchen. But it can't be kitchen- too girly- so he plays with the grill he got for his last birthday. I bought him some more play food and this cute little cash register.
We took the boys to the jump zone to celebrate. To say he loved it is a understatement.
There was MUCH debate about the cake for weeks. First it was a curious george then a nacho cake then a elmo cake. I just let him pick out of the book at walmart and he settled on a Monsters University cake. I thought it turned out cute. I used to try to make all my kids a special cake. Not only did they look bad but they usually tasted bad too. A 20 buck walmart cake is SO WORTH it when you are sick and pregnant and don't have time to make a nasty cake yourself.
I love my giggly little guy and he loved all the attention he got for his birthday.