Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, October 22, 2015

5 crazy boys

My attempt at pictures of my boys- well we can say this for them.  My boys have personality! Easton 1 month- Brett 3, Stockton 4, Blake 7 and Ty 9 years old, 

 Note there isn't one of Ty and Easton.  That was because Ty didn't want to sit for a picture.

Blake's baptism photo session

In case you didn't know I've started doing a little bit of photography for people.  Not a lot but a few sessions here and there.  My favorite session to do is a child's baptism photos. I have been thinking about doing Blake's photos all year! He is my child that hates pictures the  most so I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time. Bryan is also not very happy to watch Easton lately because he is fussy so we had to be quick.  I really loved having one on one time with him which doesn't really happen anymore.   Here are a few of my favorites: 

I hate Kidney Stones

I'm getting my posts a little mixed up I think timewise but oh well.  On September 25th I was doing the dishes holding Easton and feeling really gross. Like I wanted to throw up and like I had a bladder infection.  Around 9 I was feeding Easton and started to get this sharp pain in my back.  Now I have back problems all the time.  I have a curve in my spine that drives me nuts.  This was totally different kind of pain because when I moved around it felt no better.

Bryan looked over at me and saw the pain in my face.  He was like what the heck is wrong with you? I laid the baby down on the floor and said I had the worst pain in my back! Then it really started to hurt.  I laid down on the floor and tried to find a position where it felt better and nothing helped.  I started to cry it hurt so bad.  Bryan asked what was wrong and I told him I hurt so so bad in this one little spot in my back.  It felt like someone was stabbing me there.  He was like I bet you have a kidney stone.  After a few minutes on the floor the nausea hit.  And I ran to the bathroom in case I needed to puke.  I did end up puking after awhile.  I honestly have no idea how long I was crying out in pain on my bathroom floor only to stop to puke every once in awhile. It was so awful.  So awful.  Bryan called his parents and his mom came to take me to the ER.  I cried the whole way there and in the waiting room.  Lucky for me they got me back fast.  This guy was in front of me in line and was when they asked him why he was there he said “I have a bad pain” and I was there crying trying not to puke thinking how bad is your pain if you can say it like that!?!?! As soon as they took me back the pain started to get a little better and I was like figures! Seriously? They ran some tests and did a CT scan and found I did in fact have a kidney stone and it was still not passed but almost.  It had stopped moving through so for the moment it didn’t hurt as bad.  They were worried I had an infection from my blood work so they started me on some medicine and got me on some pain meds.  I was in the ER for a couple of hours. 

I have been really blessed health wise (besides in my pregnancies) to not have been to the ER for myself my entire life.  It was really odd getting a CT scan.  It was a odd feeling to be worried what was wrong with me even through I was pretty sure it was kidney stones. I’m so lucky to be in good health!

I can’t describe what having that stupid kidney stone did to me very well but I’ll try.  I don’t think I have ever been that physically exhausted.  Like ever.  I was honestly feeling like I was going to fall over just walking around my house.  I was lucky and my mom came to help me and I really needed it.  If I didn’t have Easton I would have been ok but to take care of a newborn and trying to pass my stone was awful.  My second night home I was trying to get Easton asleep (who loves to be awake until 11 every night) and I was falling into things.  I felt like I was drugged and I wasn’t on any pain meds then. I just needed sleep so bad! 4 days after my ER visit Bryan left me to go hunting.  My mom had to leave too so I was all alone with all 5 kids. It was really hard.  I still can’t believe he left to just go hunt with my nephew. 

My stone was a wake up call to me that I need to take better care of myself.  I take super crapy care of myself lately because I don’t have time to.  I don’t drink enough water and don’t take time to go to the bathroom enough.  Do you know almost a month later my back is still sore right there? So moral of the story- take care of yourself! You don't ever want a kidney stone!!!

Mud Run 201

  Toward the end of August we got to attend a event called the Mud Run.  We went there for the kid area that we were given tickets for.  Stockton died and went to heaven there.  He really loved it.  Brett, not so much.  He wouldn’t try anything! Bryan kept eyeing the main course that was a 5K course with obstacles and lots and lots of mud.  Finally his friend from work and his boy joined Bryan and my two boys and went through that.  Works can’t describe how contest Bryan was with it.  My older boys really enjoyed it too.  I hope we can go next year. 

Before the race


 Can you see Ty's face?

Easton's first month

I have a confession.  5 kicks is kicking, my, trash. Like hard.  I feel bad I haven't updated my blog for awhile because it's about the only place I write anything down about my family.  I'm doing to do my darnedest to catch up someday! 

Eason is the sweetest, most lovable little guy you will ever meet.  Especially his first month.  It took me about a month to take his newborn pictures because he felt like he needed to always be awake for them! I leaned a lot from his pictures and have done some newborn pics for over people since.  They are butt kicking hard sometimes.  

 This is Stocktons and Easton's feet.

I'm fully aware I spelled Introducing wrong on this- after I printed them... I swear I'm so sleep deprived I don't know what I'm doing.  I just cut it off the top and sent the rest of the announcement.  Haha! It was also my thank you card to all my friends and family who brought over meals or gifts. My ward KICKED TRASH on the meal department.  I had so so many meals brought over! Off the top of my head I bet I had 10 people bring over some sort of meal.  So spoiled and I loved it.  So helpful! 

East is a bad sleeper.  Well I shouldn't really say that because I feel that most of that is my fault.  I am so tired and worn out I just can't stay awake to feed him when he gets up.  I fall asleep almost ever time (and still do and he is like 10 weeks old now)  because I can't help it.  I've had the worst physical recovery after him.  I just have zero energy.  I STILL have no energy! I'm starting to wonder what is wrong with me! I'm pretty sure I can lay down at any point of the day and fall asleep where I am in minutes.  The bright side is I really love snuggling him and don't get the chance I would like most of the day. 

Seriously isn't he the sweetest thing?!? I'm so lucky to be his mom! And I tell him that everyday!