Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Easton- 5 months

My baby is growing up so fast! He still sleeps really bad- some days he doesn't nap at all except when I am holding him.  Even then it's only for about 20 minutes.  He is very smily and usually pretty happy.  He loves attention. He holds himself up pretty good now.  He babbles and gets mad at the boys if they are bothering him or take away a toy he likes. 

My kids haven't been real big solid foods fans but East loved it.  He even held the bowl to his face to get more.  It has to be made just right though or he won't take it.  He does like baby good too not just rice cereal.  He loves applesauce and pears mostly.

This here is a daddy's boy.  He loves his dad almost as much as his dad loves him.

 This pic is blurry but It shows what he does to me all day long.  He is always pulling my hair and scratching my face.

I really love his little toes.  

 I'm not sure he is always a huge fan of his brothers... he doesn't like them all up in his face.

This kid loves his toes and his hands. They are always in his mouth.  So is about everything else he can get his hands on too. He melts my heart.  I love when he sees me and gets excited for me to pick him up.  Bryan pulled out this old walker (can't believe I don't have a picture of it) and he motors around the kitchen in it while I'm cleaning or getting dinner ready.  He loves to play with his tongue but it's really hard to get a picture of him doing that.  He has the most kissable little cheeks ever!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Project 366- January

I sort of tried a photo everyday project back a few years ago but it didn't last very long.  I wanted to do something this year that would push my photography to the next level.  I also wanted to document my family better so I took the plunge and started a project 365 (or 366 this year).  So far I love it! I hope I will keep it up all year! 

Day 1
This is my Brett and my very first camera! I got it the day I graduated from high school and it really started my love of photography.  It's a film camera (I'm getting old!) and I took it everywhere.  I thought it was a good start to my project since it started me into photography.  

Day 2
We drove all the way to Wyoming and back so the  boys could go  rabbit hunting.  They thought it was the best thing ever.  It was -10 outside and windy but they survived. 

Day 3
My sweet Tyson's 10th birthday.  When did I get such a old kid?!? He has such a kind heart and is always thinking about how to help me.  It was a Sunday so the day was low key but he got his cheese cake just like he wanted. 

Day 4
Brothers.  These two are such good buddies! They fight but they play a lot together. 

Day 5

Day 6
I have a thing for baby feet.  I love little Easton's feet 

Day 7
Brett loves his "giant buzz lightyear" that he got for christmas. 

Day 8
Barf Vader and Yoda- I think Barf was too busy eating his hands to care. 

Day 9
Tyson loves to build with his legos.  He is very creative. 

Day 10
Nacho! How many 3 year olds do you know that love shows like Nacho Libre?

Day 11
My 5 month old

Day 12
Bathtime! They love to get in our big bath while i'm getting ready. 

Day 13
What having 5 boys is like.  No joke. 

Day 14
He really loves his Mobile 

Day 15
Blake reached a hard reading goal at school and got to Rock the halls.  They run through the halls while the school is cheering them on and they get a medal.  Blake was so excited about it and Bryan even left work long enough to come.  

Day 16
Hair cuts are pretty slick here- Bryan just filters them through one at a time.  Brett wasn't very happy to get his done though. 

Day 17
Is there anything better then a 3 year olds prayer?

Day 18
Easton's first baby foods! He LOVED it.  Like grabbed the bowl with his fat hand and pushed it to his face loved it.

Day 19
Tyson has had a tough road at school so when he brought home a 100% spelling test he was so proud of himself.  I was proud too.  He worked really hard for that. 

Day 20
I love his big beautiful eyes. 

Day 21
The little boys and I are trying to keep sane while its so cold outside and we do puzzles a lot. 

Day 22
Someone likes to chew on his feet.  Sometimes he bites on his toes so hard he cries but doesn't know why he is hurt. 

Day 23
So tired- it might be from the fact this kid is a horrible sleeper. 

Day 24
I pad 

Day 25
Easton loves his baby juice. 

Day 26
After COUNTLESS hours asking everyone we knew to vote we actually won a local "babies of 2015" contest! We won $500, a year supply of diapers and a jogger stroller and car seat. He was featured in our local paper too as the winner.  It was worth the work but super stressful while it was happening.  

Day 27
He is so sweet when he is asleep. 

Day 28
Easton's jogger stroller we won! 

Day 29
I finally talked Blake into being in a picture.  He fights me no it a lot.  I finally found the present I bought him in November for Christmas. I'm a lame mom.  He was pretty happy about it though. 

Day 30
We got about a foot of snow in one storm this day.  In the yard the snow goes to my knees! 

Day 31
Brett has to have a pile of stuffed animals in his bed at all times.