Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, November 18, 2016

Disneyland 2016!

The first morning in Disneyland is ALWAYS excited! I'm a mess trying to get everyone ready and the stroller packed so as soon as we get into the gates I'm so ready for some fun! For some reason on this trip Brett obsessed about the maps.  He even looks at them a month later.  He had to have a map at all times! We went straight for thunder mountain railroad (one of my fav!) and we were the first ride of the day! There was no line when we ended so we stayed on and went again! Then as we were getting off my parents walked up so Stockton went with them again! Three times in a row for him! My brother and his family met up with us and we went on jungle cruise and haunted mansion.  They made the hunted mansion into the nightmare before christmas and I really thought it was cute.  Stockton said he liked the old one better because it isn't christmas.  That's his favorite ride so he was a little put out about it. 

 I love the tea cups. I'm about the only adult that loves it.  We did get my dad on it and he rode with my nephew Dax.  My favorite part was watching my niece Kiya.  This was her first time to Disneyland and you could tell she was so excited about everything! I love her sweet little smile on every ride!

 Brett and Kiya held hands around the park . They are only a week apart in age and best friends. 
Nate and I were the only adults brave enough to ride star tours.  Too many motion sick people! haha! (ps i took medicine so I wouldn't get sick so I can't say much) 

Easton didn't really care too much for many things in Disneyland.  All he wanted to do was walk around.  He would walk right in front of people and there were A LOT of people.  Small world was about the only ride he really liked.  The other boys hated it but East loved it! 

Day two we started in Cali adventure.  We were there really early and in line only to find that they had to open late because some truck was broken down in the middle of the park. boo! The kids were going nuts! After 45 minutes in a line that never moved we finally got in. We ran right to cars and got on. 
Of course Easton couldn't ride so we hung out in cars land.  There was lightening McQueen sitting there with no one in line and I let Easton down.  He just walks up to the car and is touching him.  Lightening starts talking to him and he didn't even notice! Haha !

My older 4 boys did so amazing in Disneyland. Brett and Stockton didn't cry! Until poor Brett rode matterhorn and Ty told him the Yetti was real- then he cried. 

I knew Kylo Ren was in the launch bay and we go in and see there was only a 10 minute wait.  And for how busy the park was (seriously Ive never seen it so busy!) we jumped in line.  It was a highlight for sure! He walked up, scanned over my boys and motioned for them to follow him.  He asked them if they knew were the rebel droid was- then while my boys talked about seeing it somewhere else he told him if they see it to notify them. Then he scans over my boys- points to Stockton and says "I don't answer to you". hahahaha! I died! Look how he is looking at him.  Kylo Ren is his favorite !

 When I see this photo I just think of the lady who swore at me because I didn't notice the line to take the picture.  oops.
 We loved grizzly bear rapids.  We learned how to get around the lines by getting fast passes and stroller passes.  We rode it twice in a row!

 Our trusty hotel.  It's our 4th time here.

 Tiki Room! With our dole whips 
 I lucked out- Sierra took Brett to toon town with them and he LOVED it and I didn't have to go!
 Thunder Mountain 
My Pirates 

I love Disneyland! I'm not sure I'll go back in the fall again because the lines were crazy! One more story- Bryan stayed back in the hotel with Easton and Brett and I had the other three going to see the world of color. We were in a really long security line and we started chatting with the guy behind us.  Mind you I had spend most of my day in lines and haven't really talked to many people. We we start talking for like 5 minutes only to find out he was BRYANS MISSION COMPANION! What are the odds? He was there with his family from Eastern Idaho.  Out of the tens of thousands of people there I ended up in line- and chatting long enough to find out he was Bryans friend.  You know a few years ago we ran into another one of Bryan's mission friends in Disneyland.  It really is a small world after all! 

Huntington Beach California 2016

I don't think people realize how hard a trip to Disneyland is to plan for a mom.  Especially a mom of 5 kids.  I worry and plan and write lists of things I need for WEEKS! And being a crazy photographer I look up ideas and tips on taking pictures at the beach and in disneyland.  I plan and buy everything way in advance. We decided to drive to my parents house the night before our trip just so we could be a couple of hours closer to California and also celebrate Blakes birthday! Packing and loading the car on Blake's birthday almost gave me a nervous breakdown I hate to admit it.  I tried my very best to make his birthday be a huge deal but it was hard when I was so busy! (More on his birthday in another post). We woke up at 4 am Sunday morning and put the tired kids in the car and off we went. Are plan worked perfect because we were in Nevada before my kids really started to wake up. After a little car mishap at the McDonalds were we stopped to go to the bathroom we were back on the road and making awesome time.  Then we hit Vegas and a horrible car accident... so we were stopped again! All and all it took us almost as long to drive from my parents hours as it usually does from our house.  We made it to Disneyland at about 2 pm.  Once we got lunch and into our hotel room we set off for the beach! Nothing feels better after being in the car for hours and hours then to play at the beach! Of course my boys were in heaven with all of the sand and water.  Easton really loved splashing in the water and playing in the sand. 

Not only was it the first official evening of our trip but it was my nephews Jett's 1st birthday! Sierra bought a cake before our trip and had it all ready to do his cake smash at the ocean.  What a lucky little guy! I honestly love the ocean.  I love looking for sea shells and watching my kids play in the water.  It's always a highlight of the trip for me. 

Now you may or may not notice my photos being a little off- blurry- just not sharp! Well the night before our trip I dropped my camera out of my car.  I know! And it seemed totally fine! I didn't test any photos on my computer so when I felt like my camera wasn't working right I couldn't tell on my screen.  But it is what it is and I'm not about to toss my photos over a little softness in them.  I do want to cry every time I see them though.  That's a heavy camera to hall around to get ok pictures! 

My mom took this of our family selfie on the beach.  It's our tradition.  It's blurry but I think it's funny