Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Moab Spring break

For Christmas my parents told us they were taking us on a trip to moab as a family. Along with my brother Nate and his family we stayed in a condo in Moab and spent time at Gobblin Valley and Arches national park. We loved it! It was so good to have Bryan with us as well. 

First stop was Gobblin Valley. I'm pretty sure this was a huge highlight of the trip for my boys. They could have played here for hours. It's amazing we didn't loose anyone. My dad brought some walkie talkies and we could hear Stocktons go off every once in awhile so we knew he was close. 

The next day we headed to Arches. The weather was really nice in the morning but the wind picked up later in the day. I'm so happy we made the hike to delicate arch. It was amazing and my boys will remember it forever. Truth be told since it was spring break there was people everywhere! So I had to edit a ton of people out of the photo below.

 Easton would not ride in the backpack we had for him. He FREAKED out. But he would let Bryan and my dad hold it. Stockton found some bugs on our hike and was in heaven.
 We went to a bunch of different arches. The sandstone arch was so cool but the wind was insane! In between wind gusts we hurried and grabbed a photo.

 Balancing rock
 We went to a park in town the next day for the kids to play.

 I told my mom for her birthday i would get a family photo and order her a canvas. this pitiful photo is the best we could do. Better luck next time!

The last time we went to moab Tyson was just a little guy. He LOVED balancing rock. So we had to recreate my fav photo from that trip. 

March 2017

So it's almost November and I'm writing about march. Apparently that's how I roll these days. But the good news is my photo busy season will be over in a few weeks and then I'll have time to get back to the photos I love taking the most. I love photographing my family it's my favorite. 

I didn't want to leave out any part of my life on my blog because it's sort of my journal. I apparently took a ton of photos in March as well. I guess that's what happens when the snow finally melted and we could go outside. I also hadn't really started my photo sessions yet for the year so I had a lot of time to spend time with my kids. It was the best! 
 We have had so much snow! When it finally started to melt we had to go out and enjoy getting our sidewalk back again. 

 Easton loves to read books. He especially loves to see family scrapbooks. 

 Tyson spent weeks studying for the geography club. His team did awesome! He knew most of the answers. I was so proud of him for trying something new and doing something hard! 

 Bryan, Brett and Easton were excited to be out on the lawn mower again. 
 Blake did so awesome in Jr Jazz this season. I think they only lost one game. He really improved through the season. Dad wasn't his coach but was subbing in for the last game. 

 The best thing I bought this spring was our bubble machine. Easton loves the bubbles. 

 Practicing basketball. East could have had dad help him shoot for hours. 
 Ryans place park 

 We finally got our tramp set up. 
 Brett loves to pick me flowers. I thought a picture would last longer then the flowers would. I just love when he does this. 
 St. Patricks day 2017
 Brett is all signed up for kindergarten! 
 East really loves our tramp. He about gives me a heart attack that he is about to run off the edge because our net broke. 
 handsome boys 
 Tyson reading to the boys. And easton making the kids wait for him to jump
Braden got his mission call! He was called to South Africa Durbin mission and left the 4th of July.