Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, December 7, 2018

April 2018

We started off April by going to my parents house in Pleasant Grove. It was our spring break. 

 It worked out for us to go to the Jordan River Temple open house while we were there. My children loved going inside the temple. Well everyone but Easton. He wouldn't wear slippers over his shoes or take his shoes off so we had to hold him the whole time.

 We also went to Hogle Zoo

 Easton was scared of all the animals. Then after we got home it was all he talked about. So deep down I guess he loved it.

 About the only thing Easton loved while he was there was the train.

 Blake got his braces off! He was so happy. This is just the first round though. He will have them again.

Ty's monster fish 
 Way back at Christmas we got our dads tickets to a jazz game. It ended up we had to get tickets for the golden state game in April and I could afford to have them take all the boys as well. Well it ended up Bryan was in Florida for work so I took them and we left Easton with my mother in law.

 I love this  photo. The boys and their grandpas.

 Sannetts Birthday!

 Ty had his turn to rock the halls.
 Brett and Stock playing soccer

 Brett loves monkeys. He especially loves his Georgie Jr.
 My father in law took Ty and Blake on a "man day" in Park valley. He calls is Palmer butte.

 Brett's 6th birthday!

 He wanted to go to chuck o rama for lunch. Then they did a thing at school for him. He loved it!
 Brett got his little monkey coconut - bat bot extreme, and a lego set. And a few other things I can't remember.

 I was the photographer at the I love the 90ies party. It was a girls dance party and was with the magazine I help with.
 We took the boys target shooting. What is with Stockton's face? haha!

March 2018

Some of my photos loaded out of order and it's such a huge pain to fix it I'm going to leave it haha. Here is March 2018!
 I serve in the primary in my ward. I love seeing my kids in sharing time.
 This is our WE PAID OUR HOUSE OFF! Photo. And it was super cold.
 One of the things on the TOP of my list when we paid the house off was a new mattress for Bryan and I. Ours was beyond horrible and really hurt both of our backs. We were blessed with a good bonus from work just in time and we got a purple mattress. It comes rolled up (above) and is SUPER heavy. I was going to have the delivery guy help me bring it in but he ran off really fast. I'm sure on purpose haha. Brett "helped" me open it up. Once it gets air it goes flat but I had it upside down! It was a huge job. I didn't love it at first. It's pretty firm. But the longer I've had it the more I love it.

 And here is what East was doing while we were working on the mattress...
 Case lot sale helpers. Two full carts.
 Rocking the halls! Brett and Stock met their reading goals.

 I took a photography workshop from my friend Kylee. Sadly I missed Ty and Blake in the geography bowl at school but my parents were in town to watch my boys and went in my place. I hate missing stuff for my kids but had a fun time at the workshop.
 Pinewood derby! Blake went three for three with his wins.
 We helped Blakes friend Fisher with his car as well because his dad was out of town. He got second place!

 The kids had a science thing at the school and Bryans work went to show them some stuff with lasers.

 Blake performing in the orchestra
 Annual Manly Easter photos

 Ski Day

 East talks about Disneyland all the time. I saw this book online and HAD to buy it. It's still a favorite months later. It's a cute book with the words to the pirates of the Caribbean ride.
 St. Patricks day!

 Planning weeds but to him flowers

 Blake can almost beat Bryan in a race.

Easter was actually the week before this but Grandma was gone. We ended up having to do the Easter hunt in the rain!

 We go fishing a lot!