Still slowly catching up here! I absolutely love the month of May! The kids are finishing up with school and we can spend a lot of time outside. Well until we had a freak snow storm! More on that below.
Grandpa had some baby robins in his tree.
"wishers" at Gradmas house.
Easton loves songs. He especially loves "head shoulders knees in toes" he is singing it above.
Brett on the bike- Ty in his fort.
So just a day after the above photos this happened:
We woke up to a huge crash that morning. Our neighbors tree broke really bad. It was crazy to see so much green under the snow! The trees were breaking everywhere because they couldn't handle the weight of the snow on their leaves. But Brett and Stockton absolutely loved it! And it only lasted a day or so before it was warm again.
Mothers day
My boys have really been into the Rocky movies. Now they feel like they need to fight everywhere they go.
Our neighbor got a dog. It's a puppy so it's always chewing up my kids toys and running off with them. At least it's a friendly dog. East HATES the dog. He just screams when it comes near him.
When to try to run to dad and realized there is a sprinkler on. Bust instead of turning around you run all the way through it!
Tyson has been training for weeks for the wellsville mile. He did so awesome! I think he was about 50 in the 5th grade boys on this half of cache valley.
Jenny and her girls where there to cheer him on.
The boys love our water turn.
Planting our garden.
Brett had his last day of preschool. He absolutely loved his preschool!
Every year the 5th graders put on a civil war reenactment. It is one of the coolest thing I've seen my kids do at school! They had it all rehearsed for the different battles. Tyson's favorite part was being able to throw water balloons at his classmates.
That is tyson the kid in front, second from the left.
I ablsoutly loved Tysons teacher Mr Reynolds. I hope a lot of my other kids get him as well. 5th grade was the best year of school Tyson has had.
Stockton had his Kindergarten program later that day. It was ADORABLE. They sang songs and recited poems. They even had speaking parts and Stockton did amazing.
We have always gone to the graves for memorial day. We went to Weston Saturday and Logan on Sunday. When Stockton went up to my Grandpas grave he started tracing his fingers in the Jenkins name. He told me he really missed Grandpa, who is is named after.
A few other random photos of the month.