Before we left for Florida when we were talking bout what to do there Bryan said he wanted to take the boys fishing or something. He told me why don't you take the little boys to disneyworld and I'll take the older ones fishing. At first I was like you can't be serious but then I realized my boys were older. They really could do a day with me at Disney without another adult helping me.
While in Florida Bryan decided hog hunting would be a lot more fun. Not sure Ty agreed because he loves to fish but they were all happy with the idea of hunting so they went for it. I booked some tickets to Hollywood studios in Disney world for the rest of the boys and I.
I shouldn't be the one to tell this story but since I won't be able to get them to type it out I'll do my best. Bryan, Ty and Blake left early that morning to meet the guys to take them hunting. They went to this weird little place and this guy just hands my boys guns. Now my boys know how to handle guns. They have been taught and drilled into them gun safety more then most boys in this county for sure. But this guy didn't know that. From the sounds of it these guys were kind of back woods type of people. But my boys loved them.
Bryan told me they would only shoot two hogs. Which were like $300 a hog or something like that. Just to shoot them because they took the pigs to a food bank so they say. Not sure what they really do. So Ty shoots one. Then Blake gets one and it kind of runs into the bushes. So they go after it (from the bed of a truck I guess the hogs will come after you!) and Blake sees one laying there and shoots it again. Or so he thought. This was. NEW pig so then he ended up getting two because they found the first one. Then Bryan all caught up in the excitement of everything shoots one TOO. So we ended up with FOUR hogs. 1200 bucks in hogs. I about died. That is a lot of money for a hour of hunting. But the boys had a blast.
Crazy enough they got back to our condo about the time we got to Disneyland. Kind of wish they would have been with us. They just sat around for the day.
We did something I never planned on doing and that was to take a Uber to disneyworld. I was a little nervous to get in a car with someone I didn't know but he had great reviews and I honestly loved chatting with him.
So if you know us at all you know there were a lot of years we went to Disneyland every single year. For like 8 years. We loved it so much. I went to disneyworld as a teenager but its been 20 plus years. I just wasn't the same guys. I'm sorry! I love Disneyland but this wasn't the same. They only had like 7 rides in the park for 200000 people I swear. The rides were amazing. We loved it. The amount of time in line was not my fav. And there wasn't even a bench to sit on around the park. We were lucky to find a place to eat.
I did love being with my boys through. We had fun.
I loved this new ride. It was our first for the day after over a hour wait. My niece Sannette NEEDS to get on this ride. She would love it so much. Darling.
Brett LOVES the muppets. This silly show was part of the reason I choose to take them to Hollywood studios. It's silly and cute. Even this was full. I never never seen the muppets in California when they had it full. It usually was like 40 people not hundreds.
Brett LOVES the muppets. This silly show was part of the reason I choose to take them to Hollywood studios. It's silly and cute. Even this was full. I never never seen the muppets in California when they had it full. It usually was like 40 people not hundreds.
The main reason we went to this park was to ride the rise of the resistance. It was open just a month after the last time we went in California so we wanted to ride it. But it had a two hour wait. Not kidding. But the line wasn't going down so we went for it anyway. And it was worth it. That ride is amazing.
The story of the day- Stockton really wanted to go on a roller coaster. Brett and Easton hate them. And the lines for tower of terror were insane. So he was really sad. I talked them into go on the muppets 3D vision show again to end the end and looked at my Disney app. And saw something- the rocking roller coaster that had been closed all day to fix something on it was open. And it must have just opened because it said a 5 min wait. So I grabbed the boys and we started to hurry over there! The shortest line for an actual ride had been like 30-60 mins all day so 5 mins! Stock was so happy.
The story of the day- Stockton really wanted to go on a roller coaster. Brett and Easton hate them. And the lines for tower of terror were insane. So he was really sad. I talked them into go on the muppets 3D vision show again to end the end and looked at my Disney app. And saw something- the rocking roller coaster that had been closed all day to fix something on it was open. And it must have just opened because it said a 5 min wait. So I grabbed the boys and we started to hurry over there! The shortest line for an actual ride had been like 30-60 mins all day so 5 mins! Stock was so happy.
But Brett and East were not. They were in tears. Don't make me ride it! I had been on it when I was 17 and only remembered it was fast. Brett asked if it went up side down. I told him I honestly didn't remember it going upside down. It's in the dark like space mountain. They were so upset.
So we get to the line and it's pretty much a walk on. Brett wants to wait outside and there was no way I was leaving a 10 and 7 year old outside alone. So we get to the front. They go to measure Easton (who I KNEW was tall enough) and he tried to shrink down so he didn't have to go. And I saw it- we were going to be front row. Oh man. Stock and I could have done it. We would have loved it. But I didn't dare send east and Brett in a row together. They needed someone brave sitting next to them to help calm them. I asked the employee to let the next group go in front of us. I must have looked like a horrible mother making them go.
Let me just say this. Brett has been on MUCH worse roller coasters. MUCH. East I knew this was a big ask. But I knew they would be ok. I knew they would be proud of themselves for going. So I made them. Call me a mean mom or whatever but this was my choice.
So we get on the ride. I'm holding Eastons hand and talking him through it. Brett is in front of me. the ride does this count down and when it gets to zero nothing happens. And it goes from like 0 to 60 so it should have done something. So you are just sitting there scared that at any moment it was going to take off. So we waited for a couple of horrible minutes then the sound started back up again and counted down and we were off!
Soon I could feel the ride going upside down. Remember its in a the dark mostly. And I said East we went upside down and he was like WE DID! After that he wasn't as scared. This photo was taken within the first few turns of the ride.
By the end they were cheering! They loved it! Not enough to ride it twice but they were proud of themselves that they went.
By the end they were cheering! They loved it! Not enough to ride it twice but they were proud of themselves that they went.
Sorry these photos loaded out of order so the final photo from the coaster is at the end.
Bryan came and picked us up at the end. We had a great day!
The best part of the day! The boys surviving the rocking roller coaster!
Bryan came and picked us up at the end. We had a great day!