might add. The women who have seen it have loved it (or were too nice to say so) but Bryan and my brother among others don't really care for it. So let me know what you think!

The yellow room is going to be my craft room. I always wanted a room where I could lay my sewing stuff/scrapbook stuff or whatever and lock the door. I hate
ing everything out and putting it away every time so my kids don't get in it. I know, I'm dang spoiled to even have the option of a craft room. The dark brown room (Ty's has
his hand over his eye, it's hard to tell in the picture that is dark brown) is the "man cave" as Bryan calls it.
That is where is wants to hang all of his deer mounts -that he doesn't really have yet- in there. I'm thrilled! I don't want them in my living room. He could use a place to
study too so that's what that room is for. The big room with is our living
room. I did that a light brown color that I did upstairs. A little plug for Bennett's paint where I buy all my stuff. Disclaimer- it's my family who owns it. But my aunt Martha helped me pick all the colors. I love their paint and Martha is a genius. There are also two storage rooms and a food

storage room. Also Bryan had the smart idea to put a little doorway under the stairs so the boys have their own playroom under the stairs. He just put the light in there and the boys run in and out just laughing. They think that is the coolest thing ever.
So we have been sick- AGAIN! Ugh! This time it has been Ty that has been really sick. He got croup last weekend pretty bad. So far Blake hasn't had it too bad and he has had it for a couple of days so (knock on wood) he will be doing better tomorrow. My poor husband got really sick though. He has been home today and he never misses work sick. We had really warm weather for a week now it's keeps snowing. What is up with this weather! Doesn't it know it's spring? I spent that whole week outside with the boys with my windows open. It's good for the soul. =)

I love this picture of my three year old. The kid could live outside. Little does he know but I bought him a slip n slide for Easter. We have a hill coming out our back door of the garage I thought they could put it and ride it down like a slide. I hope they like it. I love my kids. When Ty was sick Bryan went in his room to say prayers and tuck him in and he said "thank you for making me better daddy." So sweet.