Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Basement colors

We have been working on our basement for the last year and a half- pretty much since we moved in our house.  A little here and a little there.  We just have been saving enough money to do a little bit but as you start going you just think lets just finish the dang thing!  So we have been.  Here are some pictures of the rooms and paint colors I picked. I'm doing a poll on the side bar on the top blue room picture.  This is the boys play room and I wanted a fun color so I picked this one.  To my poor husbands dismay I 
might add.  The women who have seen it have loved it (or were too nice to say so)  but Bryan and my brother among others don't really care for it.  So let me know what you think!
The yellow room is going to be my craft room.  I always wanted a room where I could lay my sewing stuff/scrapbook stuff or whatever and lock the door.  I hate 
ing everything out and putting it away every time so my kids don't get in it.  I know, I'm dang spoiled to even have the option of a craft room.  The dark brown room (Ty's has
 his hand over his eye, it's hard to tell in the picture that is dark brown) is the "man cave" as Bryan calls it. 
 That is where is wants to hang all of his deer mounts -that he doesn't really have yet- in there.  I'm thrilled!  I don't want them in my living room.  He could use a place to
 study too so that's what that room is for.  The big room with is our living 
room.  I did that a light brown color that I did upstairs.  A little plug for Bennett's paint where I buy all my stuff.  Disclaimer- it's my family who owns it.  But my aunt Martha helped me pick all the colors.  I love their paint and Martha is a genius.  There are also two storage rooms and a food 
storage room.  Also Bryan had the smart idea to put a little doorway under the stairs so the boys have their own playroom under the stairs.  He just put the light in there and the boys run in and out just laughing.  They think that is the coolest thing ever.  

So we have been sick- AGAIN!  Ugh!  This time it has been Ty that has been really sick.  He got croup last weekend pretty bad.  So far Blake hasn't had it too bad and he has had it for a couple of days so (knock on wood) he will be doing better tomorrow.  My poor husband got really sick though.  He has been home today and he never misses work sick.  We had really warm weather for a week now it's keeps snowing.  What is up with this weather!  Doesn't it know it's spring?  I spent that whole week outside with the boys with my windows open.  It's good for the soul.  =)  
My silly baby.  He is a year and half!  My baby!  Can you believe it?  He is such a funny little boy.  
I love this picture of my three year old.  The kid could live outside.  Little does he know but I bought him a slip n slide for Easter.  We have a hill coming out our back door of the garage I thought they could put it and ride it down like a slide.  I hope they like it.  I love my kids.  When Ty was sick Bryan went in his room to say prayers and tuck him in and he said "thank you for making me better daddy." So sweet. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

And James makes 13

13 nieces and nephews that is!  James was born the end of last week.  It's been fun going up to the hospital to see all of these sweet new babies that are in our family now.  The best part is going home and sleeping all night long in my bed (Blake is FINALLY sleeping all through the  night every night) while the new parents are up all night.  I love newborns but the first month or so is so much work.  I don't envy too much but I do love holding brand new babies.  So sweet and pure.  

The other day I was shaking out a rug outside and I turn around and Ty is standing there peeing out my front door on
 my patio.  Ugh!  Boys!  I'm not against Ty going outside if he would otherwise pee his pants but now he thinks it's cool to pee outside instead of inside.  What a boy.  

Last week it snowed 18 inches in my yard and the next day I noticed Bryan wrote I love you in the snow to my
 in my backyard.  Have a half acre and it was almost as big as my backyard.  It was so sweet.  I wo
uld be sad to see it melt but I am tired of 
all of this blasted snow.  Yesterday it was so warm!  The boys and I spent a lot of time outside. 

Monday, March 9, 2009


I became a Aunt again last Saturday.  This is little Sadie!  What a sweetheart huh? My sister in law had a scare though.  She has been in lots and lots of pain for the last 7-8 weeks.  She pretty much had to be on bed rest because when she stood up she could hardly breath it hurt so bad.  So when they went to do her c-section the doctors were freaking out because her uterus was so paper thin they could see Sadies hair thought it. If it would have burst before she was in there she could have easily died.  And here we had been praying for her to have the baby sooner.  God does know best.  The best news is that after my sister in laws last two kids came with many health problems Sadie is very healthy.  I hope everything continues to go so well!! And now it's time for my other sister in law to have her baby.  She is VERY ready.  
Little Sadie.  Oh I love her!  So sweet!
We went to a ward party that was SO much fun.  They had dinner and a band play. I was thinking the band would be pretty lame actually when I saw it was a family band but they were really really good.  We got these glasses for the boys there.  They are already broken surprise but they were fun while it lasted.  It was so fun to look around at all the people in my ward and see husband and wife putting the around around one another and getting up and dancing.  It felt like we were at a concert on a date.  It was a lot of fun.
I love this picture!  My boys are so sweet!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's spring!!! Well almost.

It's finally MARCH!  The other day it was so warm here that I took my boys outside and we went for a walk and played with their trucks in the driveway.  Blake just screamed when I took him in the house.  It was almost like spring was taunting me though because it snowed again yesterday.  At least I had a couple of days.  I walked around my yard planning where I was going to plant what.  I am excited to have boys old enough to be outside with me more this summer and not be pregnant and sick either.  It's about time!!  

Blake has become quite the silly boy.  His personality has really begun to shine through.  He has to sit in my fridge whenever it is open and freaks out when I try to get him out.(Pictured below)  He has figured out that when his pants are off he can pull his own diaper off and run around.  Sometimes he pants fall off of him because he is so skinny then he pulls his diaper off and I catch him runny around "freely" and laughing about it.  The kid loves to be naked.  The middle picture is Blake after he pulled his diaper off then found one of my old shoes in my closet.  He likes to walk to walk around in my shoes all of the time.  The top picture is Ty and the dog Ramses - we had watched in December for 3 weeks and he came to visit the other day.  Ty LOVES the dog I think because he is so small he can make him do whatever he wants.
  Ty carries him around like a toy. 

 From the time Blake was born until about next week I bet all Bryan's siblings will of have a baby.  So Blake will have 4 cousins within 18 months of him.  So much fun. I have two sister in laws that are about to have their babies any day now.  They are both in a lot of pain though so I hope they go quick! I have 82 cousins (yes that is first cousins and non are step or anything like that) so I'm all about my kids having a lot of cousins.  

So here is to spring and I hope some new healthy cousins!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My interview with Tyson

For some reason I can never copy and paste on this stupid thing.  So I will have to retype EVERYTHING again so forgive the spelling.  I got to do this fast.  

I posted this on facebook already but I thought it was funny.  I interview Tyson and it seems I need to sit down and talk with him more often because he gave me a lot of blank stares.  I don't know if he understood what I was talking about.  After some prying I got these answers out of him-

1. What is something mom always says to you?
Ty- She says no
(kind of sad that is all he remembers... I better work on that.)

2. What makes mom happy?
Ty- When you go hahahaha

3. What makes mom sad?
Ty- When Blake bites you

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Ty-I silly

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Ty-You went waahh wahh

6. How old is your mom?
Ty- You 2

7. How tall is your mom?
Ty-You tall and big out there (holds up arms)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Ty- You sew on your bacheine (my sewing machine)

9. What does your mom do when you're not around
Ty- You sew

(I wish!)

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Ty- (Blank stare)

11. What is your mom really good at?
Ty- You good at toys

12. What is your mom not very good at?
Ty- Food (I said "you don't like my food?) No I don't like your food.

13. What does your mom do for her job?
Ty- Working on a bachine and spreading the dirt. (? No idea where he got the spreading the dirt thing.)

14. WHat is your mom's favorite food?
Ty- you eat chicken nuggets.  (that is his favorite not mine)

15. What makes your mom proud of you?
Ty- When I go potty (very true.)

16. IF your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Ty- Little Einstein's (his favorite show)

17. What do you and your mom do together?
Ty- We walk to the friends

18. How are you and your mom the same?
Ty- We eat skittles (which I don't remember the last time we did that.  Don't know where that came from.)

19. How are you and your mom different?
Ty- You a girl (we have to go over this a lot because he tells me I'm a good boy all of the time.)

20. How do  you know your mom loves you?
Ty- I love you mama

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Ty- Park City (We have never been there.) I ask " Where is your favorite place Ty?" Go see buck in Park City.  Go see Papa.  Go see my cousins.