Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's spring!!! Well almost.

It's finally MARCH!  The other day it was so warm here that I took my boys outside and we went for a walk and played with their trucks in the driveway.  Blake just screamed when I took him in the house.  It was almost like spring was taunting me though because it snowed again yesterday.  At least I had a couple of days.  I walked around my yard planning where I was going to plant what.  I am excited to have boys old enough to be outside with me more this summer and not be pregnant and sick either.  It's about time!!  

Blake has become quite the silly boy.  His personality has really begun to shine through.  He has to sit in my fridge whenever it is open and freaks out when I try to get him out.(Pictured below)  He has figured out that when his pants are off he can pull his own diaper off and run around.  Sometimes he pants fall off of him because he is so skinny then he pulls his diaper off and I catch him runny around "freely" and laughing about it.  The kid loves to be naked.  The middle picture is Blake after he pulled his diaper off then found one of my old shoes in my closet.  He likes to walk to walk around in my shoes all of the time.  The top picture is Ty and the dog Ramses - we had watched in December for 3 weeks and he came to visit the other day.  Ty LOVES the dog I think because he is so small he can make him do whatever he wants.
  Ty carries him around like a toy. 

 From the time Blake was born until about next week I bet all Bryan's siblings will of have a baby.  So Blake will have 4 cousins within 18 months of him.  So much fun. I have two sister in laws that are about to have their babies any day now.  They are both in a lot of pain though so I hope they go quick! I have 82 cousins (yes that is first cousins and non are step or anything like that) so I'm all about my kids having a lot of cousins.  

So here is to spring and I hope some new healthy cousins!


Desiree said...

Wasn't that day of sun wonderful. It was nice to have it, even if it was only one day. I love that pic of Blake in the fridge, it's so cute.

Adam and Aubrey said...

I totally agree for spring, isn't mother nature cruel?! I love pantsless. Kona often goes pantsless and we call him "kona-no-pants". Such funny boys you have! I really cannot get over how many cousins, FIRST, cousins you have. That's insane! On my dads side, I have 2. 2! Ha ha! Yay for new babies!

Camey said...

They are getting so big and they are both so cute. I love to hear what is going on and am always wishing I could live closer to you. So when are you two going to start trying again? We have been trying, but not success yet!