Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, February 22, 2010

Long, long winter

It's not like me to not post much but it's been for a few reasons- we arn't doing much around here and we keep getting sick. We got a heck of a cold (which I'm now wondering if it was RSV but who knows now) at the end of January. A lot of people are still asking me how my health has been and for awhile I could never tell if I were better and just feeling effects of all the other colds and flu's we have had or what but today I really feel like garbage. I just feel SOOO worn out. I wish I knew what was wrong. I hope it's just mono and it's just taking it's sweet time clearing itself out. I am having a lot more good days then bad days though and my heart doesn't freak out as much so that's good.

On a lighter note here are a few things we have been up too.

My cute friend Camey came over to my house the other day with her kids. I thought it was funny Ty wouldn't sit by me he would only sit by Camey. Sorry Camey I know the quality of this photo is bad I'll e-mail you a better copy. She always looks so cute in pictures. I look kind of sick but oh well.
I don't know if you can tell but look at Blake's face. Totally cracks me up. He looks like a two year old gangster.
I've been sewing trying to keep my sanity. I made this for my mom for her birthday.
I just love this of my baby. It's a good thing he is this cute because he is a little fart when he wants to be. But I love him all the same.
My mom's birthday- Ty had to make her cupcakes and help her blow out the candles. I'm glad they live close enough to visit a lot! My mom's shirt was an attempt to look like a cowgirl!
Yeehaw mom!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kickin' Your trash

The other day Bryan was home with the kids while I was at a church meeting and Tyson went into my pantry where my garbage can is and started to kick it. Wondering what the noise was Bryan got up to see what he was doing. When Ty saw him he started kicking it even harder. Thinking he was throwing a fit or something Bryan sternly asked him what he was doing. He turned to him and said "dad I kickin' your trash!"

Interesting how kids interpret things you say.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fishy, Nemo and Sharkbate

Ty has been asking for some fish for a long time and because his birthday and Christmas is so close together he thinks that he will keep getting presents though the whole month of January. We didn't have a problem getting him a couple of gold fish but I didn't want to just buy it for him when he is expecting gifts all the time now. So we deiced to have him earn his fish and fish tank. He spent a good week earning stickers for a chart we had by helping clean up toys, helping with dishes and eating his dinner really good etc. He got some stickers taken away when he was naughty but for the most part he was so good all week to earn the stickers. He had to get 30 of them and he was so proud when he got to pick out his fish. He named his two Nemo and Sharkbate and Blake named his fishy (cleaver eh?). Poor Sharkbate was pinned against the side of the tank when we bought him by the chick helping us and he died last Friday. I think she kind of squished him. Ty didn't seem to care too much because we prepped him for it. But we have the two left and Ty loves them.

The fish tank in his room.