It's not like me to not post much but it's been for a few reasons- we arn't doing much around here and we keep getting sick. We got a heck of a cold (which I'm now wondering if it was RSV but who knows now) at the end of January. A lot of people are still asking me how my health has been and for awhile I could never tell if I were better and just feeling effects of all the other colds and flu's we have had or what but today I really feel like garbage. I just feel SOOO worn out. I wish I knew what was wrong. I hope it's just mono and it's just taking it's sweet time clearing itself out. I am having a lot more good days then bad days though and my heart doesn't freak out as much so that's good.
On a lighter note here are a few things we have been up too.

My cute friend Camey came over to my house the other day with her kids. I thought it was funny Ty wouldn't sit by me he would only sit by Camey. Sorry Camey I know the quality of this photo is bad I'll e-mail you a better copy. She always looks so cute in pictures. I look kind of sick but oh well.

I don't know if you can tell but look at Blake's face. Totally cracks me up. He looks like a two year old gangster.
I've been sewing trying to keep my sanity. I made this for my mom for her birthday.
I just love this of my baby. It's a good thing he is this cute because he is a little fart when he wants to be. But I love him all the same.
My mom's birthday- Ty had to make her cupcakes and help her blow out the candles. I'm glad they live close enough to visit a lot! My mom's shirt was an attempt to look like a cowgirl!
Yeehaw mom!