Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, February 22, 2010

Long, long winter

It's not like me to not post much but it's been for a few reasons- we arn't doing much around here and we keep getting sick. We got a heck of a cold (which I'm now wondering if it was RSV but who knows now) at the end of January. A lot of people are still asking me how my health has been and for awhile I could never tell if I were better and just feeling effects of all the other colds and flu's we have had or what but today I really feel like garbage. I just feel SOOO worn out. I wish I knew what was wrong. I hope it's just mono and it's just taking it's sweet time clearing itself out. I am having a lot more good days then bad days though and my heart doesn't freak out as much so that's good.

On a lighter note here are a few things we have been up too.

My cute friend Camey came over to my house the other day with her kids. I thought it was funny Ty wouldn't sit by me he would only sit by Camey. Sorry Camey I know the quality of this photo is bad I'll e-mail you a better copy. She always looks so cute in pictures. I look kind of sick but oh well.
I don't know if you can tell but look at Blake's face. Totally cracks me up. He looks like a two year old gangster.
I've been sewing trying to keep my sanity. I made this for my mom for her birthday.
I just love this of my baby. It's a good thing he is this cute because he is a little fart when he wants to be. But I love him all the same.
My mom's birthday- Ty had to make her cupcakes and help her blow out the candles. I'm glad they live close enough to visit a lot! My mom's shirt was an attempt to look like a cowgirl!
Yeehaw mom!


Adam and Aubrey said...

You did a great job on that purse! I didn't realize you were such a sewer! I'm wondering if Kainoa has rsv right now too. UGH. I am so SICK of SICKNESS!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I know, I was so happy for you when I heard your parents moved from Washington to Salt Lake. It's good to be close to family.
And ditto, seems like we have been constantly sick this last year and I'm sick of it!
Love the gangster look on Blake, lol. Cute!

Brittney said...

I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick! that sucks! We are all sick here now, and it is kicking our trash! So sorry to hear you have been sick for so long.
Your boys seriously are so cute, just a funny thing we were looking at the picture of your boys wearing their hats and we realized we have one of those hats and similar pj's that your boys have!

And thanks for your comment on my blog, I really liked your advice! So Thanks!

Heidi said...

I LOOOVE the bag. super impressive.

And...i love your two little gangsters-DARLING!

sorry you've been so sick. Becki's little girl has rsv right now...and it's so gross. Hopefully the sunshine comes quick, and chases all the grossness away!

blair and maisy said...

Hope you're feeling better. I didn't know that you sewed!