Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

August Re-cap

I've been really MIA on my blog lately. I usually download my photos at least once a week but for some reason I didn't in August until the other day. So this is a quick recap on what happened with us in the month of August. And I'm FINALLY getting high speed internet so I'll be able to actually post good quality pictures on this thing. It's ABOUT TIME!
Ty had his last check up with his ears and everything looks great! They tested his hearing and it is in the above normal range. It's so nice to have him be able to hear me. He is a different kid. I hope I never have to go though that again with another kid but I would bet my sicky Blake will need something someday.
He had to go in his birthday suit out in our yard while we watered. So funny to see his little bum running around the yard.
We went to the local rodeo. I love going to the rodeo and the boys do too. We were really surrounded by weird people (not pictured). One lady's little girl had green hair and looked like she hadn't been bathed in a month. Her bag tip over and all these pills spilled out. She looked out of it too. So sad to see people act like that. But the rodeo was awesome.
Our neighbor does a grandkid round up and invites kids in our ward too. Blake never left the little tractor. Ty was too excited to see the animals and play with the other kids to play too much on the tractor.
He says this is his cowboy hat. And I usually dress him in PJ's that match but the kid HAS to ware his batman pj's every night and sometimes the pants are dirty and are in the wash. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when he grows out of them soon.
Our good friends took us boating. Brett even let Ty drive which he loved. It was fun to get out of the house and do something fun like that. Thanks McEvoys!
My mom has a great view from her house.
We drove up to the mountains with my parents and Grandparents. My Grandpa has been having a really hard time lately and it's sad to see him having such a hard time getting around. We are naming this babies middle name after him (Lowell). I hope he can hang in there for a while more. My boys love him.
My birthday was Ty's first day of preschool. I'm not doing the joy school this year because my neighbor does a great preschool and I didn't want to worry about it with the baby coming soon. He wakes up every day asking if it is preschool today.
I had my birthday to end the month. The older I get the more I love my kids birthdays more then my own. I spent the day folding laundry and cleaning my kitchen. I was spoiled to have a mom who made a huge deal about my birthday growing up so I've finally come to grips with the fact that it will never be like that again. My parents got me a changing table for the babies room but when it finally came it was missing a part. So I have to wait 2-3 weeks to finish putting it together. And while I was unloading the box (I had to piece by piece because my belly is HUGE and I can't lift stuff anymore) the boys got into the styrofoam and shredded it all over my house and our front porch. Nice.


Brittney said...

What a fun August! And I was so glad to hear about Ty's ears I was wondering how things were going! So glad everything is going ok. And I love that naked bum picture!!!!! Too cute!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Glad to hear that Ty's ears are doing well now. Makes me want to seriously get my son checked out and see what can be done for him.
Happy belated birthday!!

blair and maisy said...

From the pics, your whole summer looks like it's been full of fun. You need to do something about that peach font on those other posts, so I can read them! Glad to hear the hearing is better now. I sometimes wonder if one of my kids is just a major daydreamer or has an issue like that. Happy birthday! Can't wait to see pics of the baby.