Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Stockton wishes you a merry christmas- ho ho ho!

We finally made it out of the house and went to our family Christmas party. Santa comes every year and my boys were really excited. They just stood by him all night it was so cute. Stockton is the 17th grandchild on Bryan's side- we are missing a few of the cousins in this picture.

Before you think I'm a horrible mom to not get a picture of Ty with Santa know I was doing a video and didn't get a picture in time. Don't worry I'm sad about it too.
I can't believe I have a family of 5. It's crazy!


Brittney said...

Your little Stockton is so adorable Heather! Love that top pic of him in the santa hat! That is so fun that your inlaws have Santa come to their Christmas party! I love that idea! So fun, and seriously so crazy you have a family of Five!!!!

Adam and Aubrey said...

Oh what a sweetie. I love Christmas parties! yay! I LOVE this season! You're brave to go out! I was just telling Adam that if I had another winter baby I'd be a hermit. Fo REAL! Love your guts!

Roxie said...

cutest little Santa i have ever seen.

Rebecca said...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Welcome to the family of 5 group! ;) Isn't it great? Love the picture of Stockton in the Santa hat.