We had a great Christmas besides Ty and Bryan having strep throat- which Blake and I ended up catching a few days later. That's another post for another day. I was all excited Christmas eve to do all these things and we ended up not having time for 90% of them. I was lucky to get some things wrapped and to the store but it was still good. We went to my in laws house that evening where Bryan's whole family was there. That is so rare to have us all together now a days. The boys were in heaven with so many cousins there. We did our normal little nativity where Stockton was our baby Jesus and Ty was Joseph. Ty was acting funny but at that point I didn't know he was sick so when we went home and he feel asleep at 8 I knew something was up. I was kind of disappointed that they weren't up and at em a little more because the excitement of Christmas Eve. We made cookies but the boys were too out of it to help me decorate them for Santa so I did. I hope next year will be a little better!

My little snowman. Isn't he so stinkin' cute??!! He is 13lb 5oz. What a tank.

Baby Jesus (Stock) Joseph (Ty) Mary (Laycee) at the nativity we do every year.
All 17 Palmer grandkids and there is one more on the way.

Stockton and his cousin Ava who is about 3 months older then him.
Christmas morning we ended up waking the boys up at around 7:30 (again Ty wasn't feeling well or I'm sure he would have woke us up). They were still really excited. Ty starting opening presents that had his name on them before we even knew it. I think he had a couple opened before we noticed. The boys favorite presents were the buck hunter game for the TV and their guns I think. Bryan and I didn't do too much for each other this year due to our mega hospital bills but I really didn't mind. My parents did buy us a stand up freezer.

I finished his stocking Christmas eve. I'm sure he was thrilled. I bought the boys some PJ's that matched they got Christmas eve but they were so tired and out of it they didn't even care when I gave it to them. I never got a picture of all three of them with them because Stockton poop all over his before I could. Oh well!

He actually really likes this toy.
Christmas isn't christmas at our house if someone doesn't get a gun.

Look at those rolls! I love my cuddle buddy!

I'm glad Ty wasn't sick enough to have it totally ruin his Christmas. He woke up the next day very, very sick and we ended up taking him to the dr and we found out he had strep. They said it's harded to catch when you don't have tonstils but of course Ty still catches it. Tuesday early morning Stockton woke up with a fever and at 5 am Blake came in my room with a high fever too. The dr. said Blake had a ear infection with what looked like strep starting so we got him on some medicine. Stockton I had to take him in the dr. and they tested for strep but he didn't have it but had a really bad cold. They tested for RSV and a UTI and they took some blood. That was the worse part because they had a hard time finding his vein. It's hard for me to hold it together when my kids are in pain like that and there isn't anything I can do about it. I've never had a newborn so sick before. He has a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE cough and he is very congested. The first day and a half I had a really hard time keeping his fever down. We are on day 6 of this cold and it hasn't made too much of an improvement since it started but at least he is eating now and has no fever. I think Bryan is still about to have a total nervous break down over it though. He doesn't take the stress of sick kids very well because he worries too much. So Bryan and I spent our wedding anniversary at the dr. office with the baby. Here's to 6 years of marriage!
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