My 3 year old Blake really keeps me on my toes. He goes from being a sweet little boy to throwing HUGE fits and screaming all through my house. He has the high pitched voice that makes your ear drums bleed. Then he is back to being my cuddly guy again. Here are some of the funny things he says-
He has started calling me mama da mo mo all the time. No idea where he came up with that.
He was picking his nose yesterday and when I asked him what he was doing he said "just looking for bones."
We see too much spongebob and he says "oh barnacles" all the time.
Blake got a CTR ring at church and I asked him what it means. He said something about going to the left and I said no it's choose the right and he said "or the left."
I accidentally washed Bryan's cell phone (note to self don't try to turn something on after it is wet. Dry it out first) so Blake took over the phone as his own. He has it in his pocket ALL the time. See picture above.
Man I love that kid.