Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mama-da-mo mo

My 3 year old Blake really keeps me on my toes. He goes from being a sweet little boy to throwing HUGE fits and screaming all through my house. He has the high pitched voice that makes your ear drums bleed. Then he is back to being my cuddly guy again. Here are some of the funny things he says-

He has started calling me mama da mo mo all the time. No idea where he came up with that.

He was picking his nose yesterday and when I asked him what he was doing he said "just looking for bones."

We see too much spongebob and he says "oh barnacles" all the time.

Blake got a CTR ring at church and I asked him what it means. He said something about going to the left and I said no it's choose the right and he said "or the left."

I accidentally washed Bryan's cell phone (note to self don't try to turn something on after it is wet. Dry it out first) so Blake took over the phone as his own. He has it in his pocket ALL the time. See picture above.

Man I love that kid.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stockton 3 1/2 months

My friend Angie was nice enough to allow me to come over to her house and get some photos of my little guy. Thank goodness he was good and we got some cute pictures I think. This age is hard because they can't sit and they don't just sleep like a newborn does. I think she a great job getting some cute photos of him. He is so big! I hurt from carrying him around all the time. I'm not sure how much he weights but I am guessing at least 15lbs.

He is a pretty content little guy most of the time. He LOVES to suck on his fist. He always has it in his mouth. The side of his finger is all raw from it always being wet. His shirts are wet all the time too because he drools so much! And FINALLY he is starting to really sleep well for me. The last few nights he only gets up once around 5 and I put him down around 9pm. So that's a good 8 hours! Then he goes back down until 7. His napping has a lot to be desired though. His favorite thing (besides his dad) is his bouncer seat. He just kicks and grins in it. I feel so blessed to have such a special little (well kind of little) guy in our home. He is my angel baby.

I thought it was so cute how he was putting his feet together.

Friday, February 25, 2011

LAST CALL! Going private!

I'm switching over in a couple days so this is the last call for e-mails!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have debated about this for a really long time and I'm tired of feeling like I can't say everything I want to so some crazy person wont come get us or something so I'm going private. I've hated that thought because I wanted people to feel free to check out my blog that might not otherwise check it out if they had to sign in. If you don't have a google account you can get one for free. Leave your e-mail in my comments and I'll delete them when I get them. I'll change over my blog in a couple of weeks. Thanks!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Giggling baby

I love to hear his little laugh. I've been blessed with a very happy little guy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My little brother all grown up

My brother is getting married! I only have one other sybling so this is a big deal. Welcome to the family Sierra!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

3 month old

Now the hardest part is keeping his little fist away from his mouth long enough to see his smile for a picture. The little stinker loves sucking on his fist. I love my little guy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January is OVER!!!

My baby is already 3 months old! As much as I love the little newborn stage I love the baby stage better. He loves his bouncy seat (which saves me!) and his swing. He is starting to try and grab at toys that you put in front of him. Stock also loves to have someone talk to him. He coos and smiles back at me and I love the connection with him. When he is upset if I give him a bath (we do every night before bed) he calms right down. All my kids have loved the bath. He is started to tolerate his car seat better so he doesn't scream whenever he is in it. I got him to go longer then a hour and half between feedings (with a lot of work!) so he actually seems more content during the day. He wakes up usually twice during the night which is MUCH better then 4 or 5 times like he was doing before. For the first time last night I had him sleep in his own room (I've had him by me since he got up so much) and I think we both slept a lot better. He is still sleeping in his bouncy seat because he has got bad reflux and when I lay him in his crib he spits up every time. I've even got it propped up with a pillow under it. I think I'm going to try and have him nap in it today and see what happens. I just LOVE cuddling with him. He is my cuddle buddy.
He is so heavy! I have to be careful with my back so I don't sprain it again holding him. He loves to be hold facing out so he can see. It's how we both spend most of our day is me holding him.
I didn't realize how weird his face is in this picture until I posted it. He was trying to be silly.
The poor baby gets hugged and loved a little too much by these two. It will be nice when he is old enough to take it.
I'm SO GLAD January is over!!!!!! I always feel like I'm on the down hill of the winter. Now if I wasn't so tired all the time I could get back to loosing this baby weight again. I'm so tired of maternity pants!