Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I have debated about this for a really long time and I'm tired of feeling like I can't say everything I want to so some crazy person wont come get us or something so I'm going private. I've hated that thought because I wanted people to feel free to check out my blog that might not otherwise check it out if they had to sign in. If you don't have a google account you can get one for free. Leave your e-mail in my comments and I'll delete them when I get them. I'll change over my blog in a couple of weeks. Thanks!


Anonymous said...
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Zac and Brit said...
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Nicole said...
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Adam and Aubrey said...
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Roxie said...
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Heather said...
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Becki and Gibb and Sammi said...
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Meikjn said...
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Camey said...
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Kandace said...
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heather and fam said...
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Janet said...
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Heidi said... the last comment was supposed to be from me...didn't realize carl was signed in...

Emily + Eric said...

Curtis and Deedra said...

Hi Heather, I want to be on the list too of course.

Dawn said...

Add me!

The Price Family said...

Heather! Will you have the other Heather add me to her blog!!! Its!!!!