Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What a crazy Easter this year! I was so morning sick last year that I didn't get to pull off a very fun Easter (I thought) and I promised myself I would do better this year. I think I didn't do too bad of a job either. Friday night with the help of our friend Theo we bought a tramp and set it up after the boys went to bed. Bryan had been dying to get them a tramp for awhile now and I finally agreed. We were up until 11:30 putting that dang thing together and it was cold! The net around it has to be tied to each spring around the tramp so you can guess how fun that is to do. I just bet whoever designed that is home laughing at all the poor saps who are out in the cold trying to tie the net on the tramp. So the next morning I was talking to our cousin Reegen who was staying at our house and Blake comes up to me and says "mom theres a tramp in our back yard." so matter of fact. I was like "is there? You better show me!"They kept looking at the neighbors to make sure it wasn't their tramp in our yard. How I didn't get one picture of them on it I'm not sure but I don't have one. I did get a video though so it's not a total loss. They ran out in the cold to start jumping on it. They have been out there a lot the last couple of days. Bryan and I even joined them the first day to show them some games when we were little. One of the great things about having kids is that we can be kids again. It was actually really fun to jump on the tramp with my boys and Bryan.

Later that morning we went to our friends house for a egg hunt only to have to leave before the hunt because we had to be to the Palmers before it started. That was really hard on my boys. So we hurry over to the in laws only to wait 45 minutes for my sister in law to come. Should have know. But all was forgotten as soon as they told the kids to go for the Palmer egg hunt!
We have NEVER had so much candy! It was crazy! My boys went crazy. They had a ball. They both got huge baskets full of candy. And of course Stockton needed a few pieces of candy which I ate for him. What a nice mom I am. It ended up being a nice enough day that we spent a lot of time outside. Enough that poor Stockton's face got a little sunburned poor baby. We had a BBQ and spent some quality time with the family.

The next morning the Easter bunny hid clues for the boys to go find around the house.
They loved it and loved their baskets. They got sunglasses for our trip to Cancun and a few little toys. Blake and Stockton woke up with a cough so we kept them home from church only to find later they weren't that sick and should have gone. I always hate it when people bring their sick kid to church so I'm careful with my boys. Too careful I guess! So I never got a picture of them all dressed up. Guess there is always the wedding!
So Ty got to wear his suit for my brothers wedding in a few weeks.
The best part to me was to hear my little Tyson at church repeat so much of the Easter story. He knows a lot of it and I was proud to hear that he listed to me while I was teaching him.

All in all we had a wonderful Easter. It's weekends like this that makes me so grateful to be my boys mom.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I'll post more on Easter later but I wanted to post this picture because it's my fav. What a sweet baby boy! Happy Easter Stockton!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Super Star!

Ty just started soccer and it doing pretty good. I worry because sometimes when stuff gets hard for him he gives up but so far in soccer he is playing pretty hard. He has scored 4 goals in the last 2 games. 2 for our team and 2 for the other. So were 50/50. =) Look at his face in this picture. He looks like a pirate! LOVE IT!
Arg Matey! Pirates life for me! He pulls some really funny faces when he is playing soccer. I'm so proud of him for doing well and more important for trying hard.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Workout Buddy

Meet my work out buddy-
Best one I ever had. Ok so not really the best but the most entertaining.

My parents are helping us pay for a big family trip to Cancun with them in June and I am dang excited! We are taking the whole family too so it will be fun to be together. I want to look better in my swimsuit then I look now. I don't have a gym membership and besides I don't dare leave Stockton with them anyway so I do work out videos. I can't get Ty to do them with me but Blake will. He hops around and tries to do what they are saying to do. Then get goes and gets a drink of water with me. He does it everyday for at least a little bit. Best work out buddy ever.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

a little of this a little of that

We aren't up to much around here. It keeps snowing and I've about had it. I need spring! I can't wait to start planting my flower beds. It's really about the only thing I'm kind of good at. I've been trying really hard to scrapbook my pictures in any little bit of free time that I have (which isn't much). I want to get into digital scrap booking more but I have all the paper and stuff I need to do it by hand. I almost got the older boys caught up though last year and mine book is still a year and half behind... but someday. It makes me feel like I'm keeping all of our memories. I already miss how sweet Ty was when he was little. I just signed Ty up for kindergarten a couple of weeks ago. SOOO crazy! I've missed teaching school and can't wait to volunteer in his class (if I can).
Love those eyes
His bouncy seat saves me. I love this age- always smiling
Stockton is starting to sit up a little bit
Ok so these pictures are kind of weird but my friend had this most adorable picture of her little girl where she did this and it turned out so cute. I think my kisses are weird but he looks cute. So you get the idea.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Solid Foods

His face cracks me up. It's totally how he feels about it.

For some reason my last two boys have had their struggles with solid food. Tyson took right to it and give me little problems with the bottle or solid food. Blake was so bad he ended up needed to go to a feeding therapist (which didn't really help too much) and I had to nurse him until he was about 15 months old. Blake would see me coming with the spoon and keep his lips shut and not allow me to put the spoon in his mouth. He really didn't understand that it was food instead of me forcing something in his mouth. He ended up being anemic and I had to give him nasty iron drops. It was awful. So with Stockton I have been trying a lot harder to get him to eat solids. We have been trying for a few weeks now with little progress. I have been trying every day to give him baby food and he only sometimes let me feed it to him. The only thing I have found he kind of likes is baby food pears enough to take it sometimes. He will let me give him 5 or 6 good bites after about 5 minutes of trying to get him to take it. A couple of times he has opened his mouth for me instead of me forcing the spoon in so there is hope. If anyone has any tricks let me know. The only thing that worked for Blake was letting him feed himself and Stockton is too young to do that yet. Oh well- hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Look at what my baby learned how to do!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I grew up with a ton of cousins and loved it so I love when my kids can get together with their cousins. The Palmers to date have 18 grandkids with one on the way so it's really fun for my kids. Bryan is the middle child of 5 in his family and they are pretty spread out in age so my kids are kind of the only ones around their age. They have a couple of girls that are closer to their age but they don't really play with my boys much so that's kind of hard for them. They still love to play with them anyway though. We went to my sister in laws new house the other day and my kids had a fun time with their cousins. I've been trying to get pictures of Stockton with his cousins so he can see what they looked like when he was a baby.
Madison, Lily and Blake
My mother in law doesn't like her picture taken very often so I hurried and grabbed a couple this day. She is holding Ava and Stockton- they are 4 months apart.
They kids watching despicable me. Blake and Ty LOVE that movie.
Spencer and Jake- my boys LOVE them. They really look up to them. They remind me a lot of what my boys could be like in a few years. They love to tease and they are dang funny.
Luke is just younger then Blake. He LOVES toy story and playing with the kids.
Ali, Stockton and Ava are all born within 6 months of each other. Ali is 2 months younger then Stockton but she already weighs 15 1/2 lbs. She is HUGE! Ava is a sweetheart that is already crawling everywhere. It's funny to see the three of them together because they are all in 3 different stages of baby. Ali just lays there and smiles, Stockton grabs stuff and wants to try to sit up all the time and Ava is crawling around and getting into everything.
Stock and Sadie- she only weighs 3 lbs more then Stockton even though she is always eating. We call her bugs because her eyes are so big and beautiful. I think they have been the same size her whole life so she is slowly growing into them!
Laycee is our miracle girl. She has had multiple heart surgeries in her life but is doing well now. She will never be able to be a normal active child because of her heart but she tries to be. She loves to dance around and is a girly girl.
Sannette has a special place in Bryan's heart ever since she was born. She liked holding Stockton for just a minute then was done. No one loves to sing more then her. She loves when people pay attention to her but really requires little attention. She is the closest thing to a angel that I've ever met.

I'm so glad my boys have so many fun cousins.