Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Workout Buddy

Meet my work out buddy-
Best one I ever had. Ok so not really the best but the most entertaining.

My parents are helping us pay for a big family trip to Cancun with them in June and I am dang excited! We are taking the whole family too so it will be fun to be together. I want to look better in my swimsuit then I look now. I don't have a gym membership and besides I don't dare leave Stockton with them anyway so I do work out videos. I can't get Ty to do them with me but Blake will. He hops around and tries to do what they are saying to do. Then get goes and gets a drink of water with me. He does it everyday for at least a little bit. Best work out buddy ever.


Adam and Aubrey said...

girl, you should come to zumba with me! It's so fun! I am so totally 100% jealous of you going on this trip! It'll be sooo fun!

Camey said...

I am jealous too! No fair! You lucky girl! You always so so many fun things! You already do look good in a swimsuit! I still haven't lost a pound since I had them :(