Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Birthday Boy!!

This has been the fastest moving year we have ever had! As much as it always makes me sad that my baby is 1 I'm glad that he is growing up and able to be more independent. Here are some of the things he can do!

-He can go up and down the stairs by himself. Bryan even takes the gate off but it worries me still because he isn't very good at it yet.
-He LOVES stuffed animals. He just hugs and loves them to pieces.
-He can say balloon sort of. It's more like "boon"! but still totally adorable. He LOVES balloons.
-Stockton walks along everything. He will even stand on his own for like 5 seconds.
-If someone is getting in the tub he will crawl from wherever he is in the house to find them and try to get in with them.
-He is starting to love to put things in and out of stuff. Like some blocks in a basket for example.
-He loves cookie monster and sesame street.
-Daddy is still his favorite person. He cries when dad leaves for work.
-I have to really watch the bathroom because my boys leave the seat up and Stockton likes to play in the water... yeah. It's way gross. At least they flush!
-My drawers and cabinets in the kitchen are always being emptied. He is really fast at it now.
-He loves books and being read too. Ty was that way too.
-Stockton has 5 teeth with a lot more coming in. His first tooth was the top side tooth- so random!
-peek-a-boo is his favorite game. He will even hide my face with his hands and so I can play it with him.

I love my sweet little boy and can't believe he is turning into a toddler more and more everyday.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from his birthday!
Ty and Blake gave him this cookie monster and he loved it.
The night before my parents were in town for his birthday so we sang to him then too.

This is the cutest toy! Cookie monster asks for you to feed him cookies then you can put them in his mouth and they go into his backpack. He loves it.
My other boys were really in his face all day trying to do everything for him. Good thing Stock didn't care. Ty and Blake spent more time with his toys then Stockton did.
I tried to make him a cookie monster cake but it didn't turn out very good.
He had no problem diving into his cake!

He was a mess to clean up for sure! And the next day he had blue poop.

1 comment:

Camey said...

What do you mean it didn't turn out good? It looks way way cute! You sell yourself short. He seems to be way more advanced than my girls. They still are like babies!