Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Free at last!

We have had some awesome weather lately so I took the boys outside the other day.  Stockton didn't know if he could walk on the grass so he stood there for a good minute or two until he figured it out then he was a mad man running all over the yard after that. 

 We found a ladybug and he went nuts.  I'm pretty sure the poor thing was loved to death.  

A family moved in by us with 5 boys under 7- and I thought 4 under 6 was bad!  But it's fun for my kids to have more kids in the neighborhood to play with- especially boys! It's going to be a fun summer!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Poor Gord had a bad cavity in between his two front teeth.  They were so close together it was really, really hard to clean between them.  Even the dentist told me that the way his teeth were he isn't surprised at all he had a cavity.  All the rest of his teeth are perfect too.  Poor little guy. My Grandma came over to watch Stockton and Blake and I headed in to get it fixed.  They did give him gas to help with the pain but he had to have a couple of shots too.  I'm pretty sure he didn't feel the shot though because he didn't even flinch.  45 minutes later they were done.  He did so good.  I know how much I hate sitting in that chair being drilled on and they worked on him forever.  So he got to go to Walmart and pick a prize so he got himself another chess game.  He has loved chess for years for some reason. 
 When we got home from walmart this is what his lip looked like.  It wasn't until later I realized that he had bit his lip really, really bad while it was numb. I didn't even think about that but it's been a couple of weeks now and it's just healing up.
With his underbite he will be spending a lot of time in a dentist chair.  Just like his mama.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Light Sabers!

Blake is really into star wars lately.  Funny thing is he really hasn't seen any of the movies so I'm not sure where this love of it comes from.  Blake got a light saber in Disneyland and for Christmas that lights up so they play with them a lot. Stockton got into playing with his brothers one day and I thought it was just too cute. 

 I just keep thinking how crazy it's going to be when we have FOUR boys all playing together!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finally a little SNOW!

What a weird winter.  I have to be honest- I've enjoyed it being warmer. Bring on global warming! Every once in awhile we get a good snow storm but it doesn't stick around long.  Whenever Bryan is out snow blowing the driveway I let Stockton stand on Tyson's bed and watch from the window.  
 He sits and waves at Bryan.  Blake felt like joining him this time. 
Tyson decided that dad needed his help and got all dressed up to help him outside.  He is such a sweet little guy.  I was feeling really sick the other day (pregnancy sucks) and Ty said "don't worry mom I can make lunch." Then he told Blake that the only thing he could cook is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so that is what they were having.  I was so grateful for his help.  I get really dizzy and lightheaded and my heart pounds for no reason.  I took my pulse the other day while I was sitting on the couch and it was 109.  I am definitely not one of those people that can have like 10 kids (not that I was planning on that anyway.)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stockton @ 16 Months

My baby is totally turning into a toddler! 
 Meet mayhem. Whatever he can rip apart or destroy he will do it.  His favorite thing is my cooking bowls and tupperware. I put them away about 6 or 7 times a day.  When I'm doing laundry he wants to "help" me but he does whatever the opposite of what I'm doing.  If I'm taking laundry out of the dryer he is putting it back in.  If I'm putting it in he is taking it out.  When he is eating and is done he will throw everything and anything he can on the floor.
 He wanders around my house a lot looking for something to get into.  He tries to play with his brothers especially if they are wrestling.  He LOVES music- when I'm cooking dinner I turn you tube videos of kids songs and he sits really good through them.  His favorite is head-shoulders-knees and toes. He always starts dancing and pointing to his head then his face. He knows where he head and belly  is when you ask him.  Any primary song he loves and dances around to so needless to say we have a extra long singing time for FHE.  He also shakes his finger at you when  you tell him to say "no no no!" He learned how to "get me" by blowing air in my face then I get him.  He just laughs and laughs about that.
 He is starting to say more words.  He still says "this" and "that" a lot.  He also says "Jesus" whenever he sees a picture of Jesus.  He says shoe and hat too. If you ask him to get you something like a book or toy he can do it. He seems to understand a lot of what I tell him.  He has 9 teeth as of today.  6 on top and 3 on the bottom (weird huh?) When he wakes up in the morning he can't do anything until he has some strawberry milk.  It's like his morning coffee. He can't function until he has it and heaven forbid it's just milk or he will just throw it.
He is jabbering all the time! He likes playing with his toys and can sit there for 5-10 minutes or so alone just playing with the same toy then he wants to be moving again. He loves his stuff animals especially this little duck he got for Easter last year. When he goes down for a nap or bed he makes a little nest of all of his blankets to lay on.  If there is one scrap of paper on the floor it will be chewed up then spit out in not too long of time.  I let him hold a box of ego waffles when I was shopping the other day and he ate a hole in the box.  He doesn't actually eat it- he just likes to chew it up and spit it out.  That and crayons.  I've never had a kid that ate so many crayons!  I try to keep them out of reach but it's been hard with his older brother that LOVES to draw.  Even though I find this to be the hardest age with how busy and fearless they are I love it too. They learn and grow so much and keep me laughing (and making me want to cry) all the time.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home

We don't get to see Bryan very much these days so when we do the boys go nuts!  I can't wait until Bryan is done with school then we finally get him back!
 It's all hugs and kisses and tickles at first then it usually turns into...
 A wrestling match! Even Stockton has to get in on the action.  I can't wait to see 4 boys climbing all over him.  It will be a fun day when they can take him out. I'm pretty sure I will never have a nice house with these boys. Someone is always banging something into the wall or breaking something it seems like. 

I'm so grateful to have married someone who loves to play with his kids.