Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finally a little SNOW!

What a weird winter.  I have to be honest- I've enjoyed it being warmer. Bring on global warming! Every once in awhile we get a good snow storm but it doesn't stick around long.  Whenever Bryan is out snow blowing the driveway I let Stockton stand on Tyson's bed and watch from the window.  
 He sits and waves at Bryan.  Blake felt like joining him this time. 
Tyson decided that dad needed his help and got all dressed up to help him outside.  He is such a sweet little guy.  I was feeling really sick the other day (pregnancy sucks) and Ty said "don't worry mom I can make lunch." Then he told Blake that the only thing he could cook is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so that is what they were having.  I was so grateful for his help.  I get really dizzy and lightheaded and my heart pounds for no reason.  I took my pulse the other day while I was sitting on the couch and it was 109.  I am definitely not one of those people that can have like 10 kids (not that I was planning on that anyway.)

1 comment:

Adam and Aubrey said...

You have the cutest boys. They're so sweet. Your pregnancy side effects are always so bizarre! Shucks for not being able to have 10 kids... haha.