Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, February 7, 2014

Taking it one day at a time...

Here is January at the Palmers-

My sweet little Brett loves his stuffed animals.  He carries them everywhere.  I thought he looked cute this day watching TV.  It's not really like him to watch TV.

 A few weeks ago we had a really warm day!  Like all the way in the 40ies! Just like summer! So of course we had to go out and ride bikes.
We put training wheels on Blake's old bike for Stockton and he tried it out.  He isn't a fan yet but I have a feeling he will be all over the place this summer. 

 Ya know when it's cold you have to be creative.  He figured if he put the oven mit on he wouldn't get his hand cold.  Smart boy.
 We drove up to hardware ranch to see the elk but we didn't pay all the money to ride the wagon around to see them.  We have yet to do that with my kids.
 Visiting my Grandma Pack. 
 We took Ty to a late birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  After waiting a hour I was surprised they didn't make us leave; my kids were going so nuts!  That's the last time I don't do call ahead seating.
 Stockton is my worst eater by far.  I have no idea why he isn't skin and bones.  We told him one day that he was going to turn into all bones if he didn't eat and low and behold he started to eat a TON. He likes to show me how big his belly is (like in the picture above) after he eats now.

 My sister in law had a baby this month! January 7th I think.  His name is Daxton Nathan Pack and he is as sweet as can be.  I win the worst Aunt in the world award because I have yet to meet him and he is a month old.  =(  Seriously I suck.
 Brett sat and put money in and out of this piggy bank for days until he broke the bank.
 Folding his arms while we pray.  My baby is getting so big!


 Every time I see this picture I laugh.  I think it's because he was crying over me putting shampoo in his hair.
 My baby FINALLY had a hair cut! I went to activity days and when I came home all my kids had had their hair cut.  I had no idea Bryan was going to do it.  He even put Brett's hair in a baggie and wrote on it "Brett's first haircut hair and 20 of daddy's tears." For some reason Bryan was really attached to his hair.  His hair grows so weird he had to cut it a lot too.  I think he looks better and A LOT more like one of my boys!

 Brett always tells me "play doh" and points to the cabinet. All of the sudden Brett is saying so many words.  His vocabulary doubled then tripled overnight. He has a very sweet little voice.  I love to hear the little things he says.
All ready for church!

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