Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Three year old Brett Photo Shoot

I'm starting to take pictures of other peoples kids a lot and I look at all wall of my outdated photos when I was just starting and feel bad.  I want some beautiful pictures of my boys too! So a couple of weeks before his birthday I took Brett up to the temple one Sunday evening and we took some pictures. 
The left photo is a face he was trying to pull that Bryan told him to do.

{My Favorite} 

The best part of the evening was spending some one on one time with my sweet little guy.  He loves to giggle and does it all the time.  He REALLY loves his daddy.  He gets so excited when Bryan comes home. Brett likes Nacho Libre the movie. Like a lot.  He is always wrestling.  Especially with Stockton.  Poor Stock will be minding his own business and here comes Brett trying to wrestle.  He is FINALLY potty trained! I waited a long time with him and finally one day he was running around naked (he does that a lot) and started to pee and stopped so I ran him into the bathroom and he went! So I started to push it and within two weeks he was pretty much potty trained.  He was so easy I'm so lucky.  I go every other kid with that.  First is hard second is easy and so on.  He thinks farts are so funny.  He is a good eater and loves spaghetti.  He loves to mow the lawn with dad and be outside on the tramp.  He could eat 100 otter pops.  His favorite place to eat is Fredricos pizza.  Curious George is his favorite little show and he loves Elmo and Mickey Mouse too.  Brett is still snuggly and loves to give big hugs. He has his moments but for the most part he is usually a happy little guy.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are priceless! You captured his personality perfectly!

Jessica said...

They are perfect!! I see his light :) I wish I lived close to you so you could do my kiddos