The first few weeks of my childrens lives are always a blur. I just don't get enough sleep and I'm so busy trying to just survive I just don't remember details. Especially after my Easton was born. For some reason that week after I felt like total crap. My body was on the verge of total exhaustion and I felt like starring at a wall. I couldn't concentrate and function.
We got home from the hospital on a Thursday and my mom was here until Saturday. Bryan helped me through the weekend and went back to work on Monday and I was on my own until my mom came back Wednesday. Monday was ruff. I really was out of it. My older boys had their last couple days of summer break before school started that week and I feel bad we didn't do anything really fun but I had a few day old baby so I gave myself some slack there. I'm honestly proud of myself for surviving and not killing Bryan when he would come home and say "the house is trashed why didn't you clean today." Really, how dumb are husbands sometimes!
Honestly though I have really loved having Easton with us. He is such a little angel! I just love to hug and snuggle with him. He is an alright sleeper at night and great during the day. When he is awake he is pretty alert and doesn't mind just laying on the ground kicking. His brothers are all over him! We all fight over who gets to hold him.
I pledge Allegiance...
This picture was taken just after we came home from the hospital. He was only 2 days old.
My sweet friend Heather brought me Olive Garden food after I came home because I could start eating normal food again! It was so good!
Now I know I look above and beyond horrible in these pictures but such is life. I look a lot like I felt honestly. And Brett looks really cute.
4 generation photo with My grandma Pack. Now that my grandpa is gone I am starting to feel really bad I can't get a photo with him and Easton. I wish East could have met him.
My niece Kiya and nephew Daxton meeting Easton. Look at Daxton's face!!
First bath- not a fan.
Out of all my kids Tyson is by far the most excited about Easton. I felt really, really bad for him the day we came home he just couldn't contain his excitement and was all over Easton wanting to hold and hug him. Then he got a little stomach bug and Bryan got really freaked out the baby was going to be sick. Ty cried thinking he killed easton and stayed away for two days. Poor Ty. That dumb bug has gone through almost everyone now and Easton is still ok.
It's funny that Easton is now (as I type this) three weeks old and it feels like he has been in our family forever. I look around and can't believe I have 5 kids! It's a LOT of kids!