Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to school

My boys stared school again. I'll be honest it's been really nice having them at school while I try to figure out this 5 kids thing. Two days before school started I was alone all day with all the kids (Easton was 7days old) and I was crazy enough to think I could get back to school photos done. This cool old blacksmith building is a block away from our house so I loaded up all 5 kids and drove the block to take the boys picture. I had to contain the little three with the iPad. I must be totally crazy. I think the pictures turns out pretty good though!

I miss my boy while they are gone all day. I worry so much about the. Having friends and doing well in school. I hope they have a wonderful year this year. I taught 4th grade when Ty was born one he is a 4th grader!


Jessica said...

You are super momma!! Great pics as usual!

Sandy said...

These are FUN back to school photos!
I loved teaching school and when it's fall and school starts I really miss the excitement of back to school, but not bad enough to go teach again. 28 years was enough!