Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Phone Photos part 1

I was able to upgrade my phone to a iPhone 6 in September and one of the things I love the most about it is the camera! It's so much better then my last cell phone camera! I find myself using it a lot more often. I love cell phone photos because they are always every day life stuff because you always have it with you.  It's hard to lug around my huge camera so I started using my phone all the time.  I know the quality isn't like my DSLR but it still does the job.  I have almost a 100 I was going to share so I'm going to break them up into a few different posts. 
Brett loves his "georgie" he calls him.  It's his new fav stuffed animal.  He thought Georgie needed a violin lesson. 

 Even though we sold Frodo in August we had to wait to sale Shawn until the beginning of October.  Our neighbor let us put him with their sheep.  Bryan had to take him into the meat place in our mini van... that was a interesting ride across the valley. 
 I hate taking Stock to the dentist.  Worst thing ever.  Not really the cleaning but he always has stupid cavities.  
 Brett seems to fall asleep a lot when I take him to pick up Stock from school. 
 Blakes baptism quilt while I was working on it. 
 Tyson's school project 
 Smiley baby 

 My sweet Grandma and My mom with Easton and me. 

 Stockton teaching Grandma Jenkins how to play mind craft .  

 The blood moon eclipse.  Didn't really look red to us but the boys got a kick out of it. 
 Blake after his baptism interview. 

 It's hard to catch his smilies- he was about 6 weeks old here. 
 Stock going around saying "I am batman" in a deep voice. 

 Blake and his friend Jon at the jump zone for Blakes birthday
 My new nephew Jettson Pack
 Blake birthday tent 
 I promised Blake a chuck o rama lunch for his birthday and we finally went during conference weekend. 
Visiting Grandpa Jenkins grave 

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