Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, April 14, 2016

SLC Spring Break

We have never really gone anywhere with Bryan for spring break and since everyone and their dog was going to St. George we decided to just go to Salt Lake City and stay in a hotel.  The boys loved it! Such a fun little get away. We stayed in the same place we stayed at during Christmas since it had a indoor pool and nice big rooms.  It was even more fun that my brother and sister in law came from Wyoming and stayed with us too for their spring break. We went out to eat at a place where a lot of people headed to the Utah Jazz game eat.  This guy was taking pictures of us and then came up to talk to us.  Said he was from California in to see the Lakers play the Jazz and we were good parents to take our kids out and the kids were acting good.  (Glad he left then because we feel apart after that). I'm guessing their is a picture somewhere on the internet of a crazy Utah family with 5 boys. After we went swimming for a long time.  

 The next morning we went out to breakfast and then to the church history museum.  That place was amazing.  They have a movie of the first vision that was in a 360 degree theater so the screen wraps around half the room.  IT makes you feel like you are there.  It was awesome until Easton woke up and started to cry right in the best part.  My boys liked it but I really loved it.  Bryan loved the Ohio part the best I think.  He lived in Kirkland Ohio and northern Ohio for his mission.  

After we went to the Clarke Planetarium which Tyson really loved. He loves science things.  The men took the kids all but Easton to a movie their and after we walked around the Vivant arena to where the John Stockton statue was.  I had to bribe Stockton to let me take a picture by John Stockton, who we named him after. Then we went home! A fun quick little trip.  Brett talks about going back about everyday!
 This is what the first morning of spring break looked like... so tired of snow! It lasted for most the week too!

 Brett told me this was his hide out.

Church History Museum.  Seriously you need to see it.  And it's free!

I didn't notice poor Easton getting Stockton's fingers stuck in his mouth... 

 Clarke Planetarium

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