Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, June 24, 2016

Mothers day giveaway 2016

My amazing friend Kylee Maughan did it again.  She had a contest for a mothers day photo shoot and allowed everyone who entered to win.  Everyone! About 180 moms entered and over 100 showed up the day of the shoot for their photos. We waited a hour for our few minutes with Kylee for these photos.  Did I mention they were all for free? She is amazing.  I'm not surprised so many people wanted their photo taken from her.  And since I'm not fat faced and pregnant this year I was thrilled with how they turned out.  I love my boys. Even though they drive me crazy, make me want to bang my head in the wall sometimes.  Somedays I can't wait to get away from them only to miss them and wonder how they are. Motherhood has been kicking my trash lately. Somedays I feel like I can't breathe.  But I wouldn't trade staying home with my kids for everything.  Would it be nice to have more income- of course! Would it be nice to have a life outside my house? Absolutely it would.  But I like to be the one who picks my kids up when they fall and get hurt and give them a hug. I like to be the one who sees them excited about the game they are playing and laughing with their brothers.  I get to be here when they learn to crawl and walk because I'm always here with them.  When they are older I will know that I didn't miss out because I was at work.  I get to hear about school the moment they get home and I can go to their programs during the day because of this choice.  I love to be a stay at home mom even though it's totally kicking my trash.  I don't regret it for one second. 

 My baby Easton- you are hard baby.  You require a lot of attention from a mom that has so little of herself to go around.  You never nap! It's so hard! But when I go pick you up and you kick your legs and flap your arms because you are excited to see me I just melt.  You cuddle in when I hug you and you have the sweetest little giggle.  I love your sweet little smile and funny personality.  You are my little sweetheart even though you are a TOTAL daddies boys. You pull my hair and scratch my face all the time because you like for me to hold you. You are a little stinker! You are also very smart.  The first word you said was Dada- even though I have been trying to teach you Mama forever! You will say mama when you are sad and need something.  The rest of the time it's dad. Sometimes when you get up at night a rock you a little longer then I need to because I love snuggling with you. I love you sweet little boy.

 Stockton I really truly love being around you.  I was jealous of your preschool teachers that got to spend so much of their day with you.  You say and do the silliest and craziest things.  You LOVE bugs and video games. You stick your lips out when you talk, especially if you are excited about what you are talking about.  Everywhere we go you start talking to some stranger about random things like bowsers castle on your mario game. Out of all my boys you cause the least amount of fighting.  It's usually you getting picked on by the other boys.  You are a sensitive and sweet little boy that likes to make other kids feel included.  When you played soccer you already called the kids your friends on the first day even when you didn't know them. You also would hug them when your team was doing well which shocked them.  haha! You make friends wherever you go because you are so kind and talkative. To know you at all is to love you to pieces. I'm so sad you are growing up and going to kindergarten next year!I wish I could keep you to myself forever!
 Tyson you have the kindest heart.  You have a great imagination and you love to build and create things.  You have never been too cool to hug me and tell me you love me.  It's hard to be the oldest and I expect a lot from you sometimes and I'm sorry it's hard for you sometimes.  Even though school isn't always easy for you Ty you try so hard! I'm so proud of all the hard work you do at school! I really love how much you have learned to love to read.  I love all the drawings of yours I find around the house.Your teachers always tell me how honest and kind you are. I have loved watching you make so many friends this year.  So many kids love to play with you! I love how I know you will always tell me the truth.  You have such a kindness about you and you want to do the right things always.  I know sometimes I seem unfair but know I want you to be the best boy I know you can be! I love you sweet boy.
Blake you always seem to let me know if I'm not being the best mom to you.  You have always been my little "chess playing shopping buddy" and I love being able to spend time with you.  You are such a smart and sweet little boy! I love how you make friends everywhere you go.  I love how I don't even worry about you while you are at school because I know you are always trying to make the right choices.  You are a wonderful helper at home for me even though you hate to help clean.  I can't argue with you there.  You act too cool to hug your dear old mom but I know deep down you don't mind giving me a hug.  At least when it isn't in public. I love finding sweet little notes that say "I love mom" when I'm having a hard day. I save all of them! I still love to play chess with you and any one on one time I get with you is always my favorite. I love you Blake.
Bretty Fred you are my sweetheart.  And I tell you that everyday.  You give the BEST pat pat hugs and I make you give me one every morning.  You have the best laugh in the world and you are always giggling.  I always have a buddy to go to the store with even though I know it's because you want me to buy you a treat.  You are a very calm little kid that thinks deeply about things.  You can sit and play by yourself forever and keep yourself happy. I love your sweet little voice and how you love to be with your brothers. I love all the funny things you say! I love how you love books and always want me to read to you.  Then after that book you want me to read another one.  I can tell you are so smart and that you are going to do well at school. Even though I wish I could keep you home with me forever! I love you my little sweetheart.  I hope you will always be my buddy. 

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