I know I'm jumping around all over the place on my blog but I had to write something about my boys birthdays! First is Blake- he turned 9 in October. The day of his birthday we were leaving to my parents house before our trip to disneyland. So to say I was busy that day was a understatement! My main goal of the day was to not let his birthday be forgotten with our big trip coming up. Sadly my camera was broken (and I didn't know it) so my photos aren't the very best... but you can still get the idea. Blake really wanted a bike- his old one was way too small. He was so pumped when he went outside to find it! He also got a Curry jersey (his favorite basketball player) a john wayne poster and some john wayne movies. He was going through a huge John Wayne phase at the time so he was so excited about them. I also gave him a skateboard that he loved. He loved it so much he took it on our trip to California- without me knowing about it until it was too late. We went to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Palmer, Cory and his family at Chuck or Rama where Blake wanted to go. Blake was way happy to see his cousin Luke. At my parents house later that day my mom gave him a mini drone that he loved! We also had some cheese cake (Blakes request) and had some hot tub time before our Disney trip. I sure hope he felt like it was a good birthday- I tried really hard to make him feel special with all the craziness with our trip!

Stockton turned 6 in November. He is such a funny kid it totally breaks my heart he is growing up. I know all the funny little boy things he does are starting to go away with age and it makes me so sad! He really wanted to decorate the house for his birthday so he stayed up the night before to help me. He did the purple around the stairs all by himself. Stockton got some batman toys, a nerf gun and star wars toys too. We dropped Brett off at preschool and went to visit Grandpa Pack at Grandma Jenkins house in the morning then took Stockton to kindergarten to share his "about me" book! He was so excited to wear his crown and tell his friends about the things he likes.
We also took his friend Brody to the jump zone to play. There wasn't a lot of people there and it was perfect! Stockton showed me how he does flips and how to go off the rope swing.
I love this little boys- they are such a joy to me. So lucky to be their mom!
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