One thing is for sure about my family- we love disneyland. I love the excitement, how friendly the employees are, how well done the rides are, I love the weather there- Everything! It’s so fun to get away. Especially when you have two feet of snow outside at home! We just went last year and my husband has been itching to go again. I was against if for awhile until we got yet another foot of snow a couple of weeks ago. After watching the weather in California we booked our trip two days before we left. It was just what I needed to get out of the cold and into 70 degree weather! After dropping my camera hours before we left on our trip last time I was determined to redeem myself this trip with photos. So I took a lot! So here is your photo overload!
We stayed at a hotel across the street from Disneyland called the Marriott Courtyard Theme Park entrance. We decided to skip the beach and stay at the hotel and play on the water slides. It was so fun to sit in a chair and see the matterhorn at disneyland right across the street. My kids went nuts. They had so much fun.
My little 6 year old bumped his head on the slide and the sweet girl working there came up with a ice pack and gave him a little whale stuffed animal. So nice of them!
By far my favorite part of our disney trips is always the morning of our first day. I absolutely love the excitement walking into the park! Because he have a little one we have to split up a lot as a family in the park while the older kids go on rides my younger ones can’t. I was with our youngest two when we walked into frontier land as it opened and saw woody from Toy Story there. My shy little 4 year old ran up and jumped into woody’s arms- to woody’s surprise! He was so sweet though and sat down on the ground with him as my 18 month old walked up to him. He totally sat down on woody and made himself at home.
Splash Mountain is my favorite ride in disneyland. For some reason it’s usually closed when we go and we haven’t been on it for 4 years.
Screen shot from the video bryan is taking as they went down Splash mountain- his face though! haha!
Disneyland at night is so beautiful. I love how they light everything up!
When I measured my 6 year old before we left and he realized he was tall enough to ride the California Screamin' it was all he could think about. My husband took him for his first ride and took this EPIC video and we posted it on you tube. His face kills me ever time!
Most of the time I’m in disney I do not get in photos. I use a different focus button on my camera then most so it confuses people. I even put my camera on auto mode because I wanted a good family photo and it still came out blurry! I guess Vader wanted the focus to be on him! I did get a couple of me in focus because I handed my camera to the disneyland photographers.
Most of the time I’m in disney I do not get in photos. I use a different focus button on my camera then most so it confuses people. I even put my camera on auto mode because I wanted a good family photo and it still came out blurry! I guess Vader wanted the focus to be on him! I did get a couple of me in focus because I handed my camera to the disneyland photographers.
What a awesome trip! The weather was perfect and my kids did awesome! Can’t wait to go back! When I’ve recovered from driving that much in a car with 5 little kids…