Starting Christmas eve- we got a lot of snow. Like 8 inches or so. Then soon after Tyson's birthday (the first week of January) the kids went to one day of school and the next morning they had a school start delay- because it snowed a lot. Then the next day they had NO school. Because it just wouldn't stop snowing!
*side note* do you notice the huge shiner above blakes eye? He sat up in bed in his bunk bed and hit the ceiling that comes down a little bit. Really hurt the poor kid.
After the first full day of a snow day here is how much snow we had.
Then the next day when the daily high was below 0 they canceled school AGAIN. And it was cold- really, really cold.
Can you see my snowman by the house? Yeah me either. This is at least 2+ feet of snow. Driving down the street felt like you were driving in a tunnel. I couldn't hardly see to pull out of my driveway. This was snow day #3 from school. We never have snow days! And this year so far we have had 3! So crazy!
Brett is showing how high the snow is. And then it rained again. So as of today (feb. 16th) half my yard is grass again. According to the news if it would have never rained and only snowed we would have 5 feet of snow by now. And a ton of people are flooding in their basement. So far we have been really lucky and have had no problems from all the crazy weather. Except feeling stir crazy! When it's so cold and the snow is so deep we are stuck inside! What a crazy winter!
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