Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Queens Bath- Princeville

After our hike to Hoopii falls my family ventured out alone to head up north. My kids really wanted to see queens bath even though we knew it was too dangerous to swim in. When we got there the main gate was locked with a sign that said its as indeed too dangerous swim in. But there was a well worn bath around the gate to a trail down. We decided to go see what the fuss was about. 

 Brett said this palm tree looked like a dinosaur with lots of legs.
 The bath down was slippery and Bryan actually fell with East on his shoulders. It was amazing he still hung onto Easton's leg even though he fell. Both were fine but it scared us a lot!
 Queens bath was so beautiful!

 We thought this spot was queens bath until a couple walked by and told us to go a little further down and there it actually was.

 The water level would change up and down like 40 feet. It was insane!

 What was REALLY crazy was when we were standing there and these two guys JUMPED IN the water. We couldn't believe how they could hold onto the rocks even thought water was coming up and down so far.

 The power of the ocean- the water gets up this high and has bent this medal pole.

 We loved Priceville. It was the prettiest part of the island I think. We were only there driving around a bit is all. Next time we go we are spending more time up north.

 This shot was just my camera on our rental van. Notice Pirate mickey in our photo?

 My kids were mad Bryan and I kept stopping to take pictures of how beautiful everything was.

Day 6- Water Fall Hike

We kind of had a lazy day at our resort in the morning and let the kids swim. The best thing about our resort was the pools for sure! The slides were so much fun. It really was made for kids. Most people in Kauai had one maybe two kids. Three at the most. Then Nate and I both had 5 so our group had 10 kids under 14. We stood out! Most people didn't bring any kids which I understand just for the cost. Honestly I was so happy we had our kids. I made the best memories with them. 

 All 10 Pack Grandkids
 Alana and Indy
 I love Plumerias! They smell SO FREAKING GOOD! I had to smell them every time I walked past them.
 The smaller water slide. Brett figured out he didn't need his life jacket in this pool and was so excited.

 Hoopii falls- honestly wasn't my favorite. It might be because it was really hot and humid and I never got in the water like the other hike. It was a very pretty hike though.

 Ty and Blake both did this rope swing. The water was pretty low though so he had to stand on Nates shoulders.

 Look at those leaves! They were amazing! The kids did really well hiking so much.
 Brett liked his hiking stick.

 This was the trail getting down to the falls. It was almost straight down and you had to use rocks and roots to climb down. It wasn't easy at all.