Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Kauai Day 5- Secret Falls

Easily one of my favorite days in Kauai. We headed north to to pick up our kayaks to go up to the secret falls hike. We looked crazy with all of the kayaks on top of our mini vans. 
 This is sort of random but my boys were freaking out about this.  When we pulled up to the park there was this guy and girl who were fighting. The guy punched the girl and pulled her hair. He hurried and pulled away on a moped fast and left the girl there. About 5-10 minutes later the police arrived but the girl was gone. We didn't call the police. I guess they pulled the guy over on the road for something else and came over. We saw the cop there and my boys wanted to tell the cop what they saw. (I didn't see it all). I asked the policemen if he was there about the fight and he came over and got my boys statements about it. My boys thought they were really cool chatting with the police. I was worried someone would be mad at us but honestly we didn't call the cops and just told them what we saw. I only add this because it was a highlight for my boys oddly.

 So I loved this part. I thought the kayaking part was so dang fun. Ty and Blake wouldn't agree but the rest of us had fun. It was 4 total miles of paddling and two total miles of hiking. Stockton was my kayak buddy I  loved it. He said ours was called the SS Taco. haha. Easton went with Bryan and Brett. They had a little "jump" seat in the middle. East thought he was a pirate on his ship. On the way back he was throwing little rocks like they were cannons at us and saying "stop blowing holes in my ship!" like from his favorite pirate movie.

 My parents had to have Alana and she was a angel.

This hike was way cool and extremely muddy. I can't imagine it during a rain storm. We had to cross the river a few times and they had a rope to hold onto while you crossed. Bryan had to help East but the rest of my kids could do it. We were sliding all over the place in the mud.
 I had bought Tyson nice shoes to hike in but he left him at the hotel. He only had his fish flops which were not good to hike in! Look how cool the roots were. The entire hike was so beautiful.
 Yes I was wearing a "dress" but it was a swimsuit cover that looks like a dress.

 Here is a example of one of the water crossings we went on.
 I have a video of us coming up on the waterfall and I had zero idea it was this cool! I totally freaked out on the video when I saw it.  It was huge!

 Our family (plus Dax who loved being with my boys) by the Secret falls.
 Bryan swam over to it.

 We had a picnic lunch.

 Blake and Grandpa swam over by it as well.

 Our whole group.

 Yep- a little muddy.

 This was the biggest river crossing we did.

 Maybe not my best judgement with Ty and Blake freaking out about kayaking but we went a little further up the river to this cliff jump. Bryan, Tyson, Blake, Nate and Sierra did it.
 We spent the rest of the afternoon swimming at our condo and that evening outside our room the resort had marshmallows to roast.
 Stockton finally caught a lizard!

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