Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Wyoming Roadtrip - Tetons, Yellowstone, Bear Tooth


Bryan got a wild hair one day and decided he wanted to go on a road trip. Bryan and Cory had been talking about driving the bear tooth pass and kind of turned it over to Katie and I to plan. We planned it within like a week or two of going. It was crazy! 

We started our trip in Jackson Hole. We went and did the alpine slide. Brett was scared of it but ended up loving it. Ty and Jake both got behind a little girl going painfully slow so it wasn't as fun for them. 

Next to the Tetons! Even Cory pulled over because he knew I would want a picture of this spot. 

Jennys lake! We splurged and took a ferry across the lake to the hike. When I was a little girl my Grandpa took me, my cousin Julie and my Grandma to Jennys lake to the secret falls. Or is it called Hidden? I can't remember. They had us wear a face mask on the boat. Now we have to wear the dang things everywhere but at this point Bryan never had one on. 

We stayed in Colter bay village. It was a really old little cabin with two bedrooms and a bathroom. Nothing fancy. They did serve pizza there we had to wait forever for but was good. We crammed the kids into one little room but it was totally fine. And so beautiful there! We would love to go back and spend more time. 

One of my favorite photos from last year. 
We spent the next day driving and driving and driving. We went through Yellowstone national park. One of the roads was closed so it added at least a hour to the drive. We didn't stop much but I made them a little bit. 

Yellowstone falls. 

We ate lunch at this little town just outside of the park in Montana. 

This was Bryans favorite part. We drove up so high! Above the tree line. It was super windy up there and very beautiful. 

Little Windy

That night we stayed in Cody Wyoming at a funny little hotel. The next day we drove towards Corys home. First stop- Thermopolis. We went to the stinky hot springs there but the kids had a great time. 

Stockton and Brett jumped off the high dive! For the first time! I was beyond proud of them. 

Can you see Bretts face in the water? I love this photo. 

We stopped at Rock Creek Hallow where the handcart pioneers stopped at. Many died in the cold. It was so humbling. There is such a reverent spirit there. I can't believe everything they went though for the gospel. 

This was such a fun trip. I felt so good to get out of the house during the pandemic and do something fun. 

Bear Lake 2021

We had our annual bear lake trip in July. It's so nice to have my kids older because it's so much easier to enjoy this trip! The kids loved riding on the jet skis and the tube. I was pretty much on the jet skis all the time. 

They loved shooting water balloons again. And hit grandpa in the one photo but the dang tree was in the way! 

We had the best weather this trip! It felt so good to be out in the sun.