Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 17, 2021

July 2021

We started out July with Grandma Palmers annual family party. We usually have fireworks at Logan city but they canceled it because they can't figure out how to do a dang thing through covid. So while Logan is messed up a bunch of local business and cities did a multi city fireworks. We were able to watch the fireworks from Grandma Palmers backyard and they were amazing! 

I traded for these bubble balls from a family I do photos for. The kids loved them!

We had a bridal shower for my nephew Bradens sweet fiancĂ© Addi. 

Tyson got braces. Kind of a right of passage for a teenager right? 

We drove up to temple fork with the kids. 


I found out my Great Uncle helped put this monument up. And my Great Grandpa once hunted Old Ephraim! It was a fun evening. 

Logan, once again dropped the ball and closed down our local pool for the summer. So I found another place for swimming lessons. A lady who lives in Millville has a pool in the backyard and teaches lessons. My boys did amazing! They are both swimming now. 

Ty's braces! They have clear ones on the top and normal on the bottom. Honestly he is lucky you don't even really notice them. 
We were doing our come follow me lessons about burring your "weapons" or for us burry something you don't want to do anymore. We put them in the garden. 
We drove to bear lake with Luke, Abby and Grandma and Grandpa to ride the go karts and hang out by the beach. 

I called my Grandma in July one day because it was the anniversary of my Grandpas death. I was talking to her and she said she wanted us to have something. When my grandpa died the honor guard placed a American Flag on his casket for his services in WWII. She wanted us to have it and fly it on our pole on special occasions. What a honor. We have only flew it a couple of times I'm so worried to damage it. It looks so cool. 

That night Bryan called me from mowing (for like the third time that week) the lawn and said get out here and get a pictures of the flag. The sky was incredible. My Grandmas favorite color is that sky blue pink. I took the photo and sent it to her little photo frame she has. It was her favorite photo. 

I got to be the photographer for my nephew Bradens wedding this summer. We took their formals up at Tony Grove. 

Bryan was invite to his friends property in Idaho to go camping. Come to find out I had a photo session that weekend I had scheduled way before but didn't write it down so Bryan had to go without me. He was so brave to take all 5 boys! They had a great time. 

They had fun and almost got killed by a moose. 

I think July was the best our yard looked. I loved my flowers! They got overgrown later in the summer. 
I am IRON MAN. He made this himself. 
We got to visit my cute Grandma at her front doors of her place. We couldn't hear her through the window but at least we could see her! 

Ty woke up almost every day all summer at 6 am for cross country. He had try outs in July and of course made the team. I was so proud of him. 
Easton Selfie haha. 

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