Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, March 13, 2022

August 2021

 The dang blog posted all of my photos backwards again. I have no idea why it keeps doing that but we are going to roll with it. 

My 38th birthday 

I like the way Easton put his arm around me. 

Tyson has a friend with connections to the old Nunnery up Logan canyon. Its said to be haunted. I don't buy it. But you have to know someone to go see it or you go to jail. Since he loves ghost hunting tv shows he was all over it. 
Razor ride up Willard Peak 

Tyson had a cross country race against Logan High. We had my sweet Grandma come and watch and since she went to Logan high she was cheering for them! Ty did ok- he ended up puking at the end of his race really bad. 
Ty worked all summer to earn this car! He also got paid. He worked with our bishop putting in home foundations. 
Willard Peak 

We went on a beautiful ride from Millville to Providence Canyon. A beautiful and hard ride. Providence canyon is so rocky! 

First day of school! It was so rainy! I cried. A lot. All of my kids were gone all day at school. I mean who am I now? What is my purpose? I have no purpose until they get home. I really struggled for a little while. But Easton is doing well at school and is learning so much. So much more then he would at home with me. It was the right choice and was going to happen at some point anyway. I don' like my kids getting so old! I wish they could stay little fun with me forever but they can't. I don't regret one single day staying home with them. They are my everything, 

Back to school priesthood blessings. we got this special chair from my grandma. It was the one my Grandpa gave his patriarchal blessings in.   

Back to school night. 
We had our Jensen family reunion at rheas. One of my favorite moments was when Rhea started dancing to Tina Turner. 

Saying goodbye to Jake before he left on his mission! He was doing home MTC during the reunion. 

We loved playing 9 square. 

August 11th was my sweet Easton's birthday! 

I asked Lees marketplace to make his cake pirate like and they did this own their own! He loved it.

This is what his room usually looks like. But he is having so much fun. 
Sweet Grandma called him for his birthday. 

He got some Mario toys and legos. He is such a fun little boy. I love his sweet little voice and personality. 

We got Ty all signed up for his sophomore year of high school. 
We love taking the razor get snow cones. 

Razor ride with the boys. Blake and Brett drove a little too! 

We had our annual Bear Lake trip with the Packs. 
Lots of Pack Grandkids! 
Bryan CAME with us this year! I can't tell you how happy that made me. 

We went to this adventure park in bear lake. The boys loved all the fun things they had there to do. 

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