Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, April 2, 2022

September 2021

Tyson spent a lot of September in cross country. He worked all summer training and did really well! My favorite race he did was the cache box. They split the JV into two and Ty was in the second heat. Its a hard course and he was doing so well! He came around as the top Ridgeline kid and in 10th place! As he made the final stretch he started to puke. Which was common for Ty. He was even passing kids as he puked! He ended up getting first for his school and 7th or 8th in his whole heat! Which was hundreds of kids. I was so proud of him! Everyone was congratulating him on pushing past the puke. 

None of my kids would come with us but Bryan and I went on one of the prettiest rides of the year up Franklin basin with the fall leaves. 

The kids had a mud volley ball activity. 

The kids fun run at school 

Luke and Braden had a Wyoming deer tag and all the boys went went them. 

While the boys were gone we went to the park with the kids and got some pumpkins with sweet Grandma Jenkins. 
I've been really into family history this last year. I love reading on family search about my ancestors. I found out my 4th great grandfather was buried in Millville. He knew Joseph Smith personally and was even baptized by him. We went though Missouri and was driven from his home multiple times by mobs. His sweet Wife died on the plains of Iowa and he was left with many small children. He was one of the founding people to establish Millville and I had no idea about him. Grandma wanted to see his grave. He was her 2nd great grandfather. The crazy thing is my Grandma became a 2nd great Grandmother last fall too. 

Stockton spent his own money to buy her this pumpkin. 

We took the little boys to visit Grandma and Grandpa on their mission up cinnamon creek. The salmon were spanning so we went to see it. 
Stockton grew this pumpkin himself! He spent the whole summer taking care of it. 

My cute Grandma needed to get out of her assisted living I felt. So I told her it was such a beautiful day! And we drove up to the temple to see the flowers. She loved it! As did i. A nice guy walking by took this photo of us. 
The kids fun run 
Bryans birthday! Once again his work did a big thing for him and I did little. His request. But I always feel like a tool when this happens. 

This is such a beautiful ride- the top of Providence Canyon. 

Grandma Palmers Birthday 

Stockton sold these pumpkins he grew. 
I had a lot of photos of this camping trip but my computer can't get them. On Labor Day we took our trailer up to Bryan's friends Bob property up Paris Idaho Canyon. We went up to the Paris Ice Caves and had fun camping. 

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