Universal is divided into two parks. Universal Studios and islands of adventure. to get park hopper tickets for 7 tickets was crazy expensive so we did one park one day. This park was ok. Less people but less to do. Still fun though.
Bryan loved the Simpsons part.
Harry Potter world is divided into two parts. Hogwarts and Diagon ally. The universal side had diagon ally and honestly it was hard to find! On purpose! It's like it's hiding. You have to go behind walls making it look like it's a bathroom back there or something. There is a really cool ride in the gringotts bank.
The fun part of going to a park we had never been in was I didn't know what a lot of the rides did. Like the mummy ride. I took the whole family on this and we got split up a little bit. So Brett Easton and I were waiting in line and East was asking me what the ride did. Brett whispered to me it was a roller coaster because he saw it online. At that point we were far in the line so I had to make East go. I honestly told him I had never seen what the ride does so I wan't myself 100% sure but worried Brett was right. Brett was right haha. When you first go on it it goes around a corner then shoots you backwards! East clung to my air screaming for the rest of the ride. You can see him holding onto me the second row from the back poor guy. But the ride really was amazing. I loved it.
This dragon on top of the bank BLOWS FIRE. It's so cool.
What a fun day. The next day was way more laid back. We went to coco beach to play at the ocean. The weather wasn't great- after we were only there for a little while a storm blew in and started to rain on us! I really regret not getting a photo of us hiding under the pier for shelter. Then after about 10 minutes it blew over and was beautiful!
Bryan noticed a little boy kind of caught in the waves struggling to stay up and ran into the water to save him. His mom didn't even notice.
I love the ocean so much. I could sit and watch the waves come in for hours.
Bryan looked up online some local places to eat and found this one. He still talks about how good it was over a year later.
After we went to Ron johns surf shop shopping. I went there as a teenager too. I didn't remember how huge it was!
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