Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, January 17, 2025

Newell K Whitney Store

 Thinking that everything would be closed we thought we would drive over to the Newel K Whitney to the church visitor center. We were walking around a little bit and the senior missionaries came up to us and let us know they were still open for tours! We were the only ones there and it was so amazing. There were a few little homes, the store, sawmill and visitors center. 

Back when Bryan was a missionary around 2000 he actually helped dig up the foundation to the old saw mill. It was really cool for him to see it done. The senior couple loved to hear Bryan's stories about it. In fact they were living in the same apartment Bryan did when he served there. 

The best part of the tour for me was the actual Newell K Whitney store. Joseph and Emma actually lived in it for awhile. And the school of the prophets is in the upstairs. Almost all of the building is original. 

Our family in the tiny room where the school of the prophets was. A room where many revelations were given and Jesus and God appeared. It's such a small little room! Being there was amazing. 

Revelations on the priesthood happened in this room 

Original floors 

Joseph and Emmas kitchen 

The store 
Bryans old apartment from his mission.

I loved it here so much. Especially being there alone. 

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