Ty sledding with his cousins. He loves being with cousins!

Thanks to my dad and his Columbia sportswear account he had my kids are head to toe Columbia. They were warm at least!

Ty got to be there when Bryan cut down our tree. He thought that was great! That's our tree behind Bryan. The huge one- I'm not sure it's going to fit in my house!

The only proof I came. I need to make sure I get pictures of me just so my kids now I did spend everyday of my life with them.
Tell Bryan that I love his Mac's Concrete hat. Thanks for the advertising ;)
I'm the same way with pictures. I'm always there...I'm just always the one taking the picture. Most of the time I'm fine not being in it, but sometimes it's good to have proof you were there!
I love the tree! It looks huge!! I can't wait to see it. You guys are total pioneers cutting down your own tree. Sheesh - we're the losers with the fake pre-lit. I hope you'll still be our friend! Looks like fun!
You can also prove you were ALWAYS around by sharing all the really good stories of them when they were little! Love the tree! hope you can get it in the house!
What a FUN tradition!
Oh that looks so fun! I'm glad you guys got a good tree! I wanted to let you know we changed our blog to private (it took me a while to get your new blog address so that's why I'm behind...), but if you want an invite you can email me at katiewarner528 (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Remember how I had your dad hook me up with his discount on a coat for me too? It's still my favorite!
How fun! Blake is getting so big- I see you in him a lot. Do you guys get the tree for free then? That is way nice ot have a real tree.
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