Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The lawn mower

So the other night I got woken up by Tyson standing in my door way.  I was kind of out of it but Blake still wakes up once or twice a night so my body is used to being up.  I asked him what was wrong and he said "I'm wet mom".  Neither of my kids have had their diaper leak for a really long time so I couldn't believe it.  I went in his room and sure enough his bed was all wet.  So after changing his bed and his PJ's I settled him down just as Blake woke up.  I went to his room and was rocking him back to sleep and I felt this warm sensation on my lap.  His diaper leaked and now him and I were both wet!  What is going on!  So he woke up and I had to change him and start all over again getting him back to sleep.  Such is the life of a mother I guess. 

We have been hitting the potty training thing pretty hard the last month or so and Ty knew if he would go potty for a day or two without one accident I would give him this toy lawn mower.  He finally did it!  He has done pretty bad after he got it thought so it depends on the day if he has it or if I had to take it away.  I think Blake likes it more then Ty if that's possible.  We have had a LONG week with Bryan working long hours and going to school.  I think I'm going to go totally crazy.  
My baby is turning into a toddler!  So sad! But very cute!


Emily + Eric said...

What is it with diapers? If I'm going to fork over an arm and a leg, it darn well better work!

Your boys are ridiculously adorable.

Roxie said...

We missed ya last night! Yay Tyson for potty so not looking forward to that:)

Mendon Packs said...
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Mendon Packs said...

Hang in there! You are such a cute mom! I remember people saying "enjoy it. Time goes by so fast." I didn't believe them. But now I do! I still can't believe we haven't done any quilting! Emily said she would like to work on a quilt. We need to have a quilting party!