Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our sweet angel girl

I have a couple of nieces that have some major health problems but for the last little bit they have been doing really well.  Last Saturday we got a phone call that Sannette was at Primary Children's due to spinal meningitis.  She has hydrocephalous (was born without the shunt that drains fluid from your brain) and her shunt that was put in caused the meningitis.  On that front they found it wasn't contagious (thank that stars- she is one of 7 kids with a sister with heart problems and a 7 week old sister) and her form of it reacts to the medicine the best.  She had to have surgery to fix her shunt so for 10 days it's a external shunt but she has been in  a lot of pain.  I'm sure your head would hurt after that! Yesterday she was doing a lot better and actually wanting to talk to people.  Then at 2am this morning we get a phone call.  I knew something was wrong when you get a phone call that early in the morning.  Sannette had a seizer and wasn't being very responsive.  She just laid  there not doing much.  We still don't know what is going to happen to her. Poor Bryan has a final this morning but of course after you hear news like that you are wide awake for awhile.  I have never in my life met someone more like a angel then our Sannette.  She is the absolute cutest and sweetest thing in the world.  I hope she is ok!  I don't know what our family would do without her!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A faith promoting story

A few days ago we were playing in our back yard and Bryan kicked the boys ball about 30 feet up in the neighbors pine tree.  Ty was really sad but it was so high I had no idea how we would get it down.  It was really cradled on the branch too.  So we told Ty he would have to pray to Jesus and ask him to blow his ball down. So every prayer after that Ty would pray for his ball to get blown down.  Bryan and I were both trying to think of ways to help the ball get down like spraying it with water and getting a huge poll or something. Well last night Bryan starts yelling from our yard for me to come out.  The ball was down in a lower tree low enough for Bryan to reach.  Ty starts yelling "Jesus blew my ball down!"  The cool thing is that while there was a little wind I can't believe it was enough to blow the ball out.  I guess God too the opportunity to build the faith of a little boy.  He keeps telling me that Jesus blew his ball down.  I guess I need to have more faith like my three year old! 

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Deer Fence

I live in such a beautiful place!  Especially when it only take 5 minutes to get a view like this!

I have no idea what kind of face Ty is pulling. 

Friday Bryan wanted to take the boys on a hike so we took them up to the deer fence above the little town where we live.  I knew they would love it after  hiking in Moab.  Of course we had to get off the trail and hike on deer trails up the mountain to show them some deer.  I bet we  saw about 10 deer though.  Bryan's all showing Ty where the deer usually are and what a deer bed look likes Etc etc.  Oh brother.  Start them deer hunting young I guess!  Even Blake saw the deer and was saying "buck!  Bucks!" I've been wanting and trying to do fun things with my boys as often as possible.  I want them to look back at their childhood and think of fun trips and things we did as a family.  I'm sure everyone feels that way but it's sure a lot easier to just stay home sometimes!  

Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally- My Easter Post!

Our family on Easter.  I hate the way I look in this picture but oh well!
The Palmer grandkids with Grandma and Grandpa.  15 in all!  Crazy! Ty is #9.  That's a lot of new babies since him. 

I'm finally getting around the posting about my Easter!  I was worried about the weather but it ended up being alright until the late afternoon.  Bryan's mom does a little easter egg hunt every year in her huge back yard for the grandkids and I was really excited about it this year.  Ty has never really understood it until this year.  What really suprised me was Blake!  He really got into it this year!  He didn't understand to put the candy in this basket but he wanted to fit at much candy in his hands as they could hold.  On Easter Sunday the Easter bunny hid the boys baskets in the basement but left clues of where to find it.  Ty didn't really get it but he enjoyed it anyway.  He got a slip-n-slide!  I can't wait for it to warm up enough to pull it out!
I think we may need to buy one of these cars someday.  Blake loves it!
He's ready to go!
My baby is getting so big!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More about Moab

We tuckered the poor little guy out.  Everyone stopped on the trail to say how cute the sleeping baby was.  

For some reason balancing rock was Ty's favorite place. I'm really not sure why. Maybe it's the only one he remember the name.  Here he is balancing.  

Showing off his muscles.  My dad and I climbed up in the arch but Ty was much more content to play in the sand while Blake slept. 

Blake balancing for balancing rock with his buddy Papa (that's what they call my dad) 

We had such a fun time in Moab.  The weather wasn't too bad and my boys loved it!  The other days we were there the wind had died down so we could enjoy the park better. 
 Thursday morning we went to dead horse point state park to check that out.  I'm glad it was kind of fenced off so I could let Ty walk around without worrying about him falling off a cliff.  Then we went back to Arches to see some more there.  We went to the windows area and it was one of my favorite places.  The trail was well marked and the trail had stair steps in it.  So nice! Ty thought he was cool stuff to be hiking around by himself.  Poor Blake feel asleep in the carrier.  Both boys were so tired they couldn't
 hardly stand it I think.  I loved hiking around in such beautiful country!  I would love to go back again when my kids are older.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Moab! We are lucky enough to have free internet where we are staying so I thought I would load a few pictures of our trip for Bryan to see.  He couldn't get off of work to come with us.  We are having a great time.  The weather is warm and the condo my mom found to rent is really nice.  My kids love it!  We went to Arches national park today and these are some pictures from our day.   The photo above is of the famous delicate arch.  It was a mile one way hike going up a lot of the way so it was hard for Ty.  We are with my parents so I had Blake in a old carrier (I think Bryan road in it when he was Blakes age) and my dad carried Ty when he needed it.   The biggest problem we have by far is the wind.  I forgot a hair band and my hair was going ALL over the place so the only thing we could find to pull my hair back was a orange rope.  It was SO windy up by delicate arch that when a gust came I honeslty was afraid that I was going to blow over and send Blake down the cliff.   Everyones hats were blowing away.  After all of that we only stayed at the top for maybe 5 minutes.  If you look close you can see that my Dad in the arch itself.  I love that picture.  All but my crazy crazy hair. 
My parents and Ty on our hike to delicate arch.  
Landscape arch. 
 Balancing Arch.  Ty is balancing can't ya tell?  Silly boy. 
Sand Dune Arch.  The wind was blowing so hard I didn't even take my boys up all the way because I was getting sand blasted so hard.  I have my eyes shut in this picture so I wouldn't be blinded.  We are going out more tomorrow.  We are having such a great time!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bring on global warming!!!!!

It snowed again!  I'm going nuts!  I'm so sick of winter.  Bring on spring!  Here coming soon my little family plus my parents are driving down to Moab for spring break.  I'm so excited!  Here is a little of what we have been up too...
Ty was so tired that he feel asleep sitting up after our 1 pm church block.  
My dad works for the Boy Scouts and when I was Ty's age he was the camp director at a scout camp in McCall Idaho.  I ended up spending 9-10 summers there in my life.  When my little brother was Ty's age or younger my  mom made him this shirt so he had a scout shirt like the rest of the boys.  So we found it the other day and had to get a picture of Ty with his Boy Scout Grandpa buddy Papa.  We went to my parents house while Bryan went with the young mens group down to a Jazz game.  I'm glad they won so Bryan would be able to sleep that night.  He gets a little too into the games I think.  

The other night I was getting Blake ready for bed and when I unbuttoned his onesie his very full diaper fell right to the floor.  He looked at me and said "oh man!" and I just about died laughing.  The kid is nuts. 

My kids are finally better just as I have been feeling pretty sick.  I've had it for like 4-5 days now and just can't kick it.  I'm sure not being able to rest to get over my illness has something to do with it.  I am doing better today so I hope the worst is behind us.