Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A faith promoting story

A few days ago we were playing in our back yard and Bryan kicked the boys ball about 30 feet up in the neighbors pine tree.  Ty was really sad but it was so high I had no idea how we would get it down.  It was really cradled on the branch too.  So we told Ty he would have to pray to Jesus and ask him to blow his ball down. So every prayer after that Ty would pray for his ball to get blown down.  Bryan and I were both trying to think of ways to help the ball get down like spraying it with water and getting a huge poll or something. Well last night Bryan starts yelling from our yard for me to come out.  The ball was down in a lower tree low enough for Bryan to reach.  Ty starts yelling "Jesus blew my ball down!"  The cool thing is that while there was a little wind I can't believe it was enough to blow the ball out.  I guess God too the opportunity to build the faith of a little boy.  He keeps telling me that Jesus blew his ball down.  I guess I need to have more faith like my three year old! 


Anonymous said...

Heather, that is so cute. I love it!

Brittney said...

that really is way cute! And you guys are great parents to teach your little boy to pray over everything, you guys are great examples.

Curtis and Deedra said...

That is a great lesson for all of us. We should pray for everything and have faith like your little boy that our prayers will be answered :)

Adam and Aubrey said...

What a sweet little guy! I love it!

Camey said...

That gave me tingles. How neat is that! What a good teacher you are!

Heidi said...

that is darling and AWESOME! loved the story.

Mendon Packs said...

So cute! Great lesson.

Rebecca said...

Jesus did blow the ball down! Thanks for sharing!