Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Moab! We are lucky enough to have free internet where we are staying so I thought I would load a few pictures of our trip for Bryan to see.  He couldn't get off of work to come with us.  We are having a great time.  The weather is warm and the condo my mom found to rent is really nice.  My kids love it!  We went to Arches national park today and these are some pictures from our day.   The photo above is of the famous delicate arch.  It was a mile one way hike going up a lot of the way so it was hard for Ty.  We are with my parents so I had Blake in a old carrier (I think Bryan road in it when he was Blakes age) and my dad carried Ty when he needed it.   The biggest problem we have by far is the wind.  I forgot a hair band and my hair was going ALL over the place so the only thing we could find to pull my hair back was a orange rope.  It was SO windy up by delicate arch that when a gust came I honeslty was afraid that I was going to blow over and send Blake down the cliff.   Everyones hats were blowing away.  After all of that we only stayed at the top for maybe 5 minutes.  If you look close you can see that my Dad in the arch itself.  I love that picture.  All but my crazy crazy hair. 
My parents and Ty on our hike to delicate arch.  
Landscape arch. 
 Balancing Arch.  Ty is balancing can't ya tell?  Silly boy. 
Sand Dune Arch.  The wind was blowing so hard I didn't even take my boys up all the way because I was getting sand blasted so hard.  I have my eyes shut in this picture so I wouldn't be blinded.  We are going out more tomorrow.  We are having such a great time!


Desiree said...

How fun that you got to go somewhere fun for spring break, but a big bummer Brian couldn't go with you.

Adam and Aubrey said...

How fun! I've never seen those arch things! Well, I'm sure I've driven past some arches. . . does that count? Looks fun! and quite windy! But at east it's warm!

Janet said...

Looks like fun! Hope you're not getting the rain. It's raining here today ug! but rain is better than snow!

Rebecca said...

I WANNA GO! I love the sillouette picture. Awesome!

blair and maisy said...

Ooooooo looks pretty. I bet that was a lot of fun.