Well we had a fun memorial day weekend! For the most part. Here is some of what we did...

It's a pain to get a picture of my boys looking good at the same time. So much easier when Blake was a baby and would sit still and smile all of the time.

We drove into Idaho to see Bryan's grandparents and uncles graves. Both of his uncles died pretty young. I wish I could have met them and his grandma (who died as well). One uncle died ealier in the year we got married but before we started dating. I guess that is what the afterlife is for? This is a picture of all of the cousins (including Sannette! She is sitting on her brothers lap in the chair) and some of Bryan's cousins.

Ty at his Great Grandma and Grandpa Palmers grave. Blake was sick (more on that below) so it was just him and I. We went to my Grandpa's grave with my extended family which is a stones throw from Bryan's grandparents grave. My uncle is next to my Grandpa (the one who died last summer) so it was kind of emotional seeing how this is the first memorial day without him. I actually like going up to the graves. It's a good reminder about life and about the peoples lives that came before us. I love family histories. I think I've been learning more about Bryan's family than he knows. I hope people make my grave look this nice when I die someday.

This is ending up being a long post. Blake woke up from nap to have a 102 fever and ended up throwing up. That night it got up to 103 and I ended up sleeping with him on the couch watching Handy Manny for 4 hours from 4 to 8am. He fevered for a few days and is finally better. Until this evening when he touched Bryan's scooter exhausted and burned his finger really bad. My kids are falling apart! Especially when you see this....

Here is the story of the day. Ty woke up yesterday saying his arm hurt and I looked at it and a HUGE bite was on it. He is allergic to mosquito bites more then normal anyway but this was the size of a silver dollar. So I put cream on it and marked how big it got (hence the black dots) and it kept growing and growing and growing. Until today (when I took this picture) it went from his wrist to his elbow. It even extended past his wrist and elbow later today. It covered most of his forearm. He had no fever and he acted normal but I ended up taking him in the doctor (someone has to help pay for their nice cars and big homes right?) and he will be alright. Poor kid. I have never seen anything like that before. I guess I can't say that. My dad got bite by a poisonous spider once and got really sick and had a HUGE bite off his neck but I wasn't in college when that happened and wasn't there so see it in person. I was worried Ty had something like that.
(Knock on wood) I hope this is the end of the drama around here. I need a normal day tomorrow. Sorry about spelling errors and what not in this. I have a screaming at Blake and have had no time to proofread.