Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial day and my sickies

Well we had a fun memorial day weekend! For the most part. Here is some of what we did...
It's a pain to get a picture of my boys looking good at the same time. So much easier when Blake was a baby and would sit still and smile all of the time.
We drove into Idaho to see Bryan's grandparents and uncles graves. Both of his uncles died pretty young. I wish I could have met them and his grandma (who died as well). One uncle died ealier in the year we got married but before we started dating. I guess that is what the afterlife is for? This is a picture of all of the cousins (including Sannette! She is sitting on her brothers lap in the chair) and some of Bryan's cousins.
Ty at his Great Grandma and Grandpa Palmers grave. Blake was sick (more on that below) so it was just him and I. We went to my Grandpa's grave with my extended family which is a stones throw from Bryan's grandparents grave. My uncle is next to my Grandpa (the one who died last summer) so it was kind of emotional seeing how this is the first memorial day without him. I actually like going up to the graves. It's a good reminder about life and about the peoples lives that came before us. I love family histories. I think I've been learning more about Bryan's family than he knows. I hope people make my grave look this nice when I die someday.
This is ending up being a long post. Blake woke up from nap to have a 102 fever and ended up throwing up. That night it got up to 103 and I ended up sleeping with him on the couch watching Handy Manny for 4 hours from 4 to 8am. He fevered for a few days and is finally better. Until this evening when he touched Bryan's scooter exhausted and burned his finger really bad. My kids are falling apart! Especially when you see this....
Here is the story of the day. Ty woke up yesterday saying his arm hurt and I looked at it and a HUGE bite was on it. He is allergic to mosquito bites more then normal anyway but this was the size of a silver dollar. So I put cream on it and marked how big it got (hence the black dots) and it kept growing and growing and growing. Until today (when I took this picture) it went from his wrist to his elbow. It even extended past his wrist and elbow later today. It covered most of his forearm. He had no fever and he acted normal but I ended up taking him in the doctor (someone has to help pay for their nice cars and big homes right?) and he will be alright. Poor kid. I have never seen anything like that before. I guess I can't say that. My dad got bite by a poisonous spider once and got really sick and had a HUGE bite off his neck but I wasn't in college when that happened and wasn't there so see it in person. I was worried Ty had something like that.

(Knock on wood) I hope this is the end of the drama around here. I need a normal day tomorrow. Sorry about spelling errors and what not in this. I have a screaming at Blake and have had no time to proofread.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My son the future pilot

This boy of mine is so spoiled.  Because of his dads friends and connections he gets to go on horse back rides, ride and help drive tractors, and now added to the list is flying in a airplane.  Bryan's boss at work offered to take Bryan and Ty on a ride this weekend with him.  I was nervous about sending him but Dell (Bryan's boss) is a very safe flyer so I decided not to freak about it. Ty LOVED IT!  He talks about it all of the time.  
They put the head set on him so he could hear them talking to him.  He would put the mic by his mouth and say stuff like "You having fun dad?" and would point stuff out to them.  He usually doesn't say much when he is doing something fun.  He just sits there with a straight face. I don't know if he is trying to take it all in our what but he loves it. 
View of the temple. Bryan did get some pictures of our house from the air but I decided not to post those.  I was talking on the phone when Bryan tried to call me to come outside to see them in the air.  I wanted to take a picture of their plane in the air from the ground too.  I could hear it outside but was just out of sight when I ran out.  
I love having him experience so many fun things.  He hates to be home with me all the time because we are boring here.  I think I need to be invited to some of these events from now on so I'm as cool as dad.  

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hair Trauma-.

My baby has never had his hair cut and it was time.  He will be two in a few months and had never had a cut so I told my husband it was time.  He does a great job cutting Ty's and some of our families hair so I told him to go for it.  Here are a few before pictures of Blake's crazy hair:Bryan actually did this to his hair on purpose.  We called him the bird man after that weird guy from the Denver Nuggets. 
I got this picnic table at kings for 20 bucks a few weeks ago and we have lunch on it all of the time. 
Eating his oatmeal.  Another thing I hated cleaning out of his long hair. 
Crazy boy!
In the sandbox.  Here is a good shot of how long his hair was. 
He sat really good for his haircut thank goodness.  Just put him in front of the computer and turn on a pixar short and he is good to go. 

My boys playing in the sandbox.  Somedays I wonder why I even give them a bath.  The moment they leave the house they end up looking like this.  
Blake looks SO much better!  There isn't stuff stuck in his hair all the time anymore.  He was ALWAYS rubbing his hands in his hair every time he ate.  He is always a mess when he eats too because he has to feed himself always.  

Monday, May 18, 2009

My boys camping trip

This is what Ty said about his camping trip.  "Camping was fun. We play camping.  I see Elk and and a lizard. I sleep in sleeping bag.  I go hiking." You wouldn't guess it but Ty had a great time.  I had to pry any info out of him but he does talk about some parts of camping ALL the time.  Bryan, his brother Cory, his dad, and brother Joe all came.  Joe took his brother in laws (4 of them) and a couple of my nephews came too.  I was kind of sad sending Ty off because I had never been home and not had Ty here overnight.  But he didn't think of me once I doubt while he was gone.  Bryan even got a little video of him asking Ty if he wanted to go home and Ty is yelling "no!  I don't want to see mom!" That always makes a mom feel good.  They went to the devils playground in northern Utah and just had a blast.  There were some kids Ty's age so he had company.  He loved spending time with his dad.  I'm so glad Bryan loves doing things like that with his kids.  I wouldn't mind going to this place sometime.  It looks really cool.  

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catch up Post

I have been doing so much the last few weeks it's been hard to do some posts!  Funny that in the winter when you have time to blog you usually have nothing to blog about.  The weather here has been crazy!  It will be in the 70ies for a few days and then we will get snow another.  Go figure.  We finally got some trees to plant in the backyard and the day Bryan has time to plant it is snowing on him.  Then a few days earlier Ty had his little pool out and was playing in it.  Then for a week
 we had decent weather but the day my dad could come to put in Ty's sandbox it rains like
 crazy.  It's rained everyday since then but the boys just play in the wet sand.  They can't stand to wait until it's all dry!  My parents promised Ty on this birthday 5 months ago to build a sandbox for him so he has been waiting a LONG time.  Something else we have been waiting for a long time for- my BASEMENT!!!  I finally got carpet!  Oh man I love my house.  With the basement we just doubled our livable space in this house.  I don't know what I will do with so much space!  My boys just did laps around our huge living room.  I haven't taken any pictures of it yet but I will soon.  The thing my boys love more then the sandbox is the lawn mower.  They both want to ride so bad on it that Bryan has to put Blake on his back and have Ty stand between his legs.  (See picture)  What a good dad.  My kids just love their dad.  I'm so lucky to have married someone who loves to play with his kids so much.  We wanted a riding lawn mover mostly for the speed of mowing our big yard but also so my kids can spend the time with him on the mower.  They both talk about the mower ALL the time.  It's nice for me too because I can work in the yard or whatever while they are mowing.  
On a more important note Sannette is doing better in the hospital.  She will still be there at least another week.  I don't know how my sister in law does it.  She is singing songs and talking up a storm.  She wants to get up and move around but she is tied to so many machines that its very hard to move her around.  I hope she can come home soon!  I can't wait to hug and kiss the sweet little thing!
At the park with my cousins and their kids.  We have a awesome park near here.  
My Carrhartt boys.  Blake wasn't excited to pose for a picture.  
I couldn't get Blake to get in but Ty loved it.  I can't wait to get his slip-n-slide out. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sannette Update

Bryan and I went down to see Sannette yesterday. She has had some pretty ruff days but is still hanging in there.  After her seizer the other day her vital signs were really low so they put her in ICU for the day.  The next day (when I went to see her) her lungs had collapsed and she kept spiking a high fever.  She slept the whole time we were there but at least she was peaceful.  She has done a lot better today.  A few minor things but she is moving around a little more and was talking to people.  A MRI she had today showed that she had a stroke sometime in her life- that could have been recently.  Sometimes seizers are common with kids with meningitis.  I'm so glad I was able to see her yesterday.  Our sweet angel.  Thank you for all of your concern.  I'll keep you updated.