Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hair Trauma-.

My baby has never had his hair cut and it was time.  He will be two in a few months and had never had a cut so I told my husband it was time.  He does a great job cutting Ty's and some of our families hair so I told him to go for it.  Here are a few before pictures of Blake's crazy hair:Bryan actually did this to his hair on purpose.  We called him the bird man after that weird guy from the Denver Nuggets. 
I got this picnic table at kings for 20 bucks a few weeks ago and we have lunch on it all of the time. 
Eating his oatmeal.  Another thing I hated cleaning out of his long hair. 
Crazy boy!
In the sandbox.  Here is a good shot of how long his hair was. 
He sat really good for his haircut thank goodness.  Just put him in front of the computer and turn on a pixar short and he is good to go. 

My boys playing in the sandbox.  Somedays I wonder why I even give them a bath.  The moment they leave the house they end up looking like this.  
Blake looks SO much better!  There isn't stuff stuck in his hair all the time anymore.  He was ALWAYS rubbing his hands in his hair every time he ate.  He is always a mess when he eats too because he has to feed himself always.  


Anonymous said...

Cute! I love the pictures. I don't think I'll have to be worrying about Jack getting a haircut anytime soon... I might be a little jealous of Blake's long locks! :)

Janet said...

Cute hair Blake, I was alway said to cut my babies hair it always made them look older.

heather and fam said...

Cute! And I must say you are such a great mom Heather!

Camey said...

I am sorry I haven't had time to write back. I haven't been blogging, or going on facebook or anything. My new number is 435-224-3676. I though I gave it to you, but I must have forgotten. I love his hair! Bryan should teach me how he does it because Spencer needs his hair cut constantly and I get tired of paying for it! Where is Kings? That table is so cute and so cheap!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I have to agree that you are a great mom and have two very cute boys!